Because of China's economic development is very rapid, transportation industry of our country got the unprecedented development, people's travel is very convenient. And in the development and production under the comprehensive influence of all kinds of the progress of science and technology, follow the principle of applicable, safe, economic and beautiful, constantly moving forward. Investment of four trillion used for infrastructure construction in our country in recent years, to boost domestic demand to maintain steady development of national economy. Bridge construction has always been the difficulty in the work, transportation, however, under my lead of the wisdom of the people to overcome the problems one by one and let me got high-speed development of bridge engineering technology. The line according to the use, the nature and task design vision of development needs, combined with the bridge of the terrain, climate and hydrology, and traffic conditions, according to the safe, applicable, economic, and the principle of advanced and appropriate care appearance more scheme comparison, finally chose the prestressed concrete simply-supported box girder bridge.
This design according to graduation design task and the related data, to design the Wu Cheng chipset, to boost local economic development, urban and rural construction, to further ease traffic pressure. Convenient transportation systems, to the region open to the public, to strengthen the construction of urban economy, the development horizontal linkages and circulation of commodities with very convenient traffic conditions. Make to speed up the pace of economic development in the region, facilitate communication, and the city, the flow of goods and economic decisive significance to realize large circulation. This design is to write Wu Cheng chipset (upper structure and lower structure) of the whole bridge design. Bridge 100 meters long and four span, span of 25 meters, the first after the simply supported continuous prestressed concrete box girder bridge type.
The design of the package main contents are: box girder structure size to develop, the main beam internal force calculation; the main beam prestressed steel beam estimation and arrangement of the main beam sectional properties; prestressing steel beam loss estimates; Main Beam intensity and stress check , local bearing strength of the main beam ends of checking; main beam deformation analysis; horizontal beam calculations, deck calculation; calculation of cap beam, pier computing, Piles, etc.
Key Words: Bridge;Prestressed Concrete;Continuous box girder
表2.1 工程概况基本参数表
桥址 武城区跨河线桥
工程地质层 第一层:杂填土,杂色,松散状态,主要成分为粘性土,含砖瓦碎片及灰渣,该层分布地表,层厚1.20m
雨水 该地区雨量充沛。6-8月为汛期,7-8月雨量集中,多年平均降水雨量721.4毫米,年降水总量25.31亿m³,平均降水量7.96亿m³。夏季雨水集中多降大雨、暴雨,常因大雨造成山洪或泥石流。汛期最大洪峰流量2500m³/s,枯水期最小流量0.02 m³/s,多年平均径流量3.46 m³/s,平均坡降4.75%。洪水水位为4.00米,洪水频率为百年一遇
气候 该地区地处北温带,其气候特点是:四季分明、雨热同季、温度适宜、光照充裕。年平均气温8.6℃,最大温度差为26℃,无霜期170天,年平均降雨量721.4毫米,降水最大月份为7至8月,月最大降水量474毫米,年日照时间在2700小时以上,本区地震动峰值加速度为0.05g
第3章 桥梁方案比选
3.1 总体布置
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
第1章 绪论 4
第2章 工程概况 5
第3章 桥梁方案比选 6
3.1 总体布置 6
3.2 拟定方案并进行方案比选 6
第4章 设计资料及结构尺寸 7
4.1设计资料 7
4.2结构尺寸 7
4.2.1主梁间距与主梁片数 7
4.2.2主梁尺寸拟定 8
第5章 主梁内力计算 12
5.1 恒载内力计算 12
5.1.1 一期恒载(主梁自重) 12
5.1.2 二期恒载 12
5.1.3 恒载内力 13
5.2 活载内力计算 13
5.2.1 冲击系数和车道折减系数 13
5.2.2 主梁荷的载横向分布计算 14
5.2.3 计算活载内力 21
5.2.4 内力组合 28
第6章 预应力钢筋面积估算及钢束布置 30
6.1 预应力钢筋面积估算 30
6.2 预应力钢束布置 31
6.2.2 钢束起弯角和线型的确定 32
6.2.3 钢束几何计算 32
第7章 主梁截面几何特性计算 34
7.1 截面面积及惯性矩计算 34
7.2 截面面积及惯性矩计算 35
第8章 钢束预应力损失 49
8.1 预应力钢束和管道壁的摩擦损失 49
8.2 由锚具变形及钢束回缩引起的预应力损失 50
8.3 预应力钢筋分批张拉时混凝土弹性压缩引起的应力损失 51
8.4 钢筋松弛引起的预应力损失 52
8.5 混凝土收缩徐变引起的预应力损失 53
第9章 主梁截面强度及应力验算 55
9.1 截面强度验算 55
9.1.1. 正截面强度验算 55
9.2 截面应力验算 60
9.2.1. 短暂状态的正应力验算 60
9.2.2. 持久状态的正应力验算 60
9.2.3. 持久状态的预应力钢筋的应力验算 62
9.2.4. 持久状态的预应力混凝土应力验算 63
9.2.5. 抗裂性能验算 66
9.2.6. 主梁变形(挠度)计算 68
第10章 梁端锚固区的局部承压验算 70
10.1 局部承压尺寸要求 70
10.2局部承压尺寸要求 71
第11章 行车道板计算 72
11.1 翼缘板内力计算及配筋 72
11.1.1. 每延米板上的恒载g 72
11.1.2. 每米宽板条的内力 72
11.1.3. 内力组合 73
11.1.4. 截面设计,配筋与强度验算 73
11.2 腹板间连续单向板内力计算和配筋 74
11.2.2. 支点剪力计算 75
11.2.3. 内力组合 75
11.2.4. 截面设计,配筋与强度验算 76
第12章 盖梁、柱式桥墩和钻孔灌注桩计算 77
12.2 盖梁计算 77
12.2.1. 荷载计算 77
12.2.2. 内力计算 81
12.2.3. 盖梁配筋计算 84
12.3 桥墩墩柱的计算 85
12.3.1. 荷载计算 85
12.3.2. 截面配筋计算 86
12.4 钻孔灌注桩的计算 89
12.4.1. 荷载计算 89
12.4.2. 桩长计算 90
12.4.3. 桩的内力计算 91
12.4.4. 墩顶纵向水平位移验算与桩身材料截面强度验算 92
12.4.5. 桩身材料强度验算 94
第13章 肋板式桥台计算 97
13.2 荷载计算 97
13.2.1. 上部构造恒载反力及桥台台身、墩台上土重计算 97
13.2.2. 土压力计算 98
13.2.3. 支座活载反力 104
13.3 荷载组合 106
13.3.1. 桥上无活荷载,台后有活荷载 106
13.3.2. 桥上有活荷载,台后无活荷载 106
13.4 台身顶底面的截面配筋和验算 108
13.5 钻孔灌注桩计算 111
13.5.1. 桩的长度计算 112
13.5.4. 桩顶刚度系数计算 113
13.5.5. 计算承台底面原点处位移 113
13.5.6. 计算作用在每根桩顶上的作用力 114
13.5.7. 计算桩身弯矩水平力及轴力 115
13.5.9. 桩基础内力计算 116
第14章 体系转换过程................................................................................................................120
14.1 施工概述.......................................................................................................................120
14.2 施工特点.......................................................................................................................121
第15章 模型建立过程 122
15.1 设定建模环境 123
15.2 设置结构类型 123
15.3 定义材料和截面特性 124
15.4 建立结构有限元模型 126
15.5 定义边界条件 128
15.6 定义荷载 128
15.7 汽车荷载 134
参考文献 137
致 谢 138