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The topic of graduation design is the hospital building in JiangNing University of Technology structural design. the main building four layer, a layer of high 4.5m, high3.6m standard layer.The total construction area is2160m2, and building high is 17.70m, four proof rank is secondary, seismic intensity is 7, use fixed number of year is 50 years.
In the architectural design, the design of structure and fire from the aspects of seismic requirements, adopted the simplest one glyph architectural style. Mainly through the vertical design, the building looks more beautiful. And all aspects of design and meet the office building function requirement.
In the structure design, with hand count, structure calculation is complementary, the internal structure is effective. According to the design of building site design major categories of seismic fortification intensity and local requirements, the structure of the uniform, the structure is designed to be uniform and ordinary. After the completion of construction diagram above the building structure, and took one of 4 axis investigated. one is on hand to hand, and finally re-check the two results which calculate in different way.
This project for reinforced concrete frame structure, the foundation adopted under column independent foundation, form for cast-in-situ reinforced concrete order form. According to the engineering geological conditions, the embedded depth is 2.1m. This design according to the current national structure design of the regulations, standards, the following atlas of architectural and structural drawings of architectural drawings is included, construction plan, floor plan, general building elevation and building section. Structure construction drawings include the bottom floor structure.e.g.long figure, beam surface reinforcement, column, planar reinforcement investigated. One reinforcement and foundation structure layout and drawing.This design meet the application, safety, economy, beautiful "the essential requirements, layout is reasonable, complete functions, beautiful modeling.
Key words:architecture design; structure design; Section design


第一章 建筑设计    1
1.1 平面设计    1
1.2 立面设计    1
1.3剖面设计    1
第二章 结构设计    2
2.1楼盖板的设计    2
2.1.1 材料选用    2
2.1.2 荷载标准值    2
2.1.3 截面选取    2
第三章 板的计算    4
3.1 板的结构布置如图    4
3.2 荷载计算    4
3.2.1 荷载组合    5
3.2.2 板的内力计算及配筋    5
3.6 楼盖的次粱设计    8
3.6.1 基本材料    8
3.6.2 计算过程    8
3.7 楼梯设计    10
3.7.1 踏步板的计算    10
3.7.5 梯段粱计算    11
3.7.3 平台粱的计算    13
3.7.4 平台板的计算    13
第四章 结构计算    14
4.1框架的计算与设计    14
4.1.1  梁柱尺寸、梁跨度及柱高度的确定    14
4.1.2 荷载计算    14
4.1.3 横向框架计算    17
4.2 竖向荷载作用下横向框架内力分析    22
4.2.2梁端剪力及柱轴力计算    31
4.3 截面设计    42
4.3.1框架梁截面设计    42
4.3.2柱截面设计    53
4.4 纵向框架计算    62
4.4.1 水平地震力作用下框架的侧移验算    62
4.4.2在水平地震作用下框架内力分析    65竖向荷载作用下纵向框架内力分析    65 竖向荷载作用下纵向框架内力分析    65
第五章 基础设计    90
5.1 工程地质条件    90
5.2基础材料    90
5.3 地基设计    90
第六章 PKPM软件在框架设计中的应用    91
致谢    103
参考文献    104
