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Based on the synthesis analysis, the water supply system, the drainage system, and the fire system(fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system) are designed.
The water supply system is applied by vertical division block. The floors from the first to the forth are the low areas, water of which is supplied directly by the municipal pipe network. From the fifth to the 16th are the Central areas and from the 17th to the 29nd are the high areas, water of which are supplied with the frequency conversion pump group.
The drainage system is an interflow system of sewerage and waste water. the upright draining pipes are equipped with specific vent stack, and then the sewerage is drains to the municipal waste pipe network.
The fire system includes automatic sprinkler system and the fire hydrant system. The water supply of fire hydrant system is designed to pump-tank joint and there is vertical division block.The fire danger rating of the construction isⅠof middle class. But by the content of the code, mall and underground garage in Ⅱ level of middle class.The number of the sprayer that is controlled by one wet alarm valve coundn’t more than 800.and the height difference between the highest and the lowest sprayer that is controlled by the same wet alarm valve coundn’t greater than 50 meters.So this design uses seven wet alarm valve:from the basement to the forth of each controlled by a wet alarm valve,from the 5th to the 16nd are controlled by one wet alarm valve and from the 17th to the 29nd are controlled by wet alarm valve.
The water supply pipes and drainage pipes are made of PVC-C pipes and the material of the fire fighting system is stainless steel pipes.
Key Words: high building;building water supply system; building drainage system; fire hydrant water supply system,automatic sprinkler system..
摘要 3
Abstract 4
1绪论 7
1.1.原始资料 7
1.1.1.设计资料 7
1.1.2.市政资料 7
1.1.3.气象资料 8
1.1.4.设计方案 8
2设计说明书 9
2.1 生活给水系统 9
2.1.1生活给水系统的竖向分区 9
2.1.2生活用水量计算 9
2.1.3生活给水方案的确定 10
2.1.4管材及管道的布置与敷设 11
2.1.5给水管网水力计算方法 11
2.2排水系统 13
2.2.1排水系统方案选择 13
2.2.2排水系统的组成 14
2.2.3通气系统 15
2.3消火栓给水系统 15
2.3.1消火栓系统给水方案确定 15
2.3.2室内消火栓的布置 19
2.3.3室内消火栓系统的计算方法 20
2.4自动喷水灭火系统 25
2.4.1自动喷水灭火系统的组成 25
2.4.2自动喷水灭火系统设计 29
2.4.3自动喷水灭火系统水力计算方法 31
3 设计计算书 32
3.1生活给水系统 32
3.1.1生活水箱设计 32
3.1.2变频泵给水水力计算 33
3.1.3市政给水管网水力计算 35
3.1.4水表水头损失 36
3.1.5设备的计算与选择 38
3.2消火栓给水系统 39
3.2.1消火栓的布置 39
3.2.2消火栓系统的 41
3.3自动喷水灭火系统 48
3.3.1喷头布置 48
3.3.2自动喷水灭火系统管网水力计算 49
3.3.3自动喷水灭火系统增压设备计算 52
3.3.4 自动喷水灭火系统减压阀计算 52
3.4排水系统 53
3.4.1 排水系统设计秒流量 53
3.4.2 排水管网 53
3.5设计综述 59
参考文献 60
致谢 61