摘 要
The safety of drinking water is very important, people on the raw water treatment after a series of drinking. At the beginning of twentieth Century, drinking water purification technology has been formed, and is now commonly referred to as the conventional treatment process of treatment methods, namely: coagulation, precipitation or clarification, filtration and disinfection. This conventional treatment is still used in most countries in the world, and is the main technology for drinking water treatment.
This design is 90000 m3/d water supply engineering design. The combined circular pump water diversion project. Water quality is the micro polluted water source, and the biological contact oxidation method is chosen for the treatment of water quality.. Then flocculation - sedimentation - filtration to further purify water quality, which successively choose the separator sedimentation tank, advection sedimentation tank, V filter to complete the conventional process to reach the effluent standard. Then through the two pump water into the municipal pipe network.
Because of the simple structure, convenient management, convenient for the long-term reconstruction, flocculation tank of the separator is used for flocculation.. The flat flow sedimentation tank has the advantages of good adaptability to precipitation effect, good adaptability to impact load and temperature, simple construction, compact layout, etc.. V-type filter the air water combined backwashing is considered as all flushing of the most effective way, use of homogeneous media, filter layer of the pollutant carrying capacity has been strengthened; gas and water recoil and there is always the lateral surface sweep washing, good flushing effect, rinse water is greatly reduced; adopting the V groove and water inlet and water distribution uniformity; in the backwash of filter surface wash sweep. The impurity can be discharged into the sewage tank quickly, thereby reducing the flushing time, and running highly of the operation and the management is convenient.
Keywords: micro polluted water source, pretreatment, contact oxidation method, gas water anti – flushing
近期设计流量 Q=1.05*90000/24=2922.5m3/h=1.094m3/s
远期设计流量 Q=1.05*1440000/24=6562.5m3/h=1.75m3/s

目 录
摘要 2
英文翻译 3
一、取水工程 6
1一级泵站 6
1.1设计流量和扬程估算 6
1.2初选泵和电机 6
1.3机组基础尺寸确定 7
1.4吸水管与压水管路的计算 8
1.5喇叭口设计 8
1.6吸水管和压水管水头损失计算 8
1.7泵的安装高度和泵房简体高度计算 11
1.8附属设备的选择 11
二、净水工艺 6
2.1生物接触氧化池 13
2.1.1设计参数 12
2.1.2填料容积 13
2.1.3总面积 13
2.1.4单格面积 13
2.1.5接触时间 14
2.1.6总高度 14
2.1.7需气量 14
2.1.8空气管道设计 15
2.1.9污泥产量 15
2.2混合工艺 16
2.2.1设计参数 16
2.2.2设计计算 16
2.3投药工艺及投药间设计计算 17
2.3.1设计参数 17
2.4隔板絮凝池设计计算 19
2.4.1设计参数 19
2.4.2设计计算 20
2.5沉淀工艺设计计算 20
2.5.1设计参数 20
2.5.2设计计算 21
2.6 V型滤池设计计算 24
2.6.1设计参数 24
2.6.2设计计算 24
2.7清水池设计计算 39
2.7.1设计参数 39
2.7.2设计计算 39
2.8加氯工艺及加氯间设计计算 40
2.8.1设计参数 41
2.8.2设计计算 41
三、净水厂总体布置 41
3.1平面布置设计 41
3.2水厂管线设计 42
3.3高程布置设计 43
3.4排泥工艺 47
四、送水工程 53
1二级泵站 53
1.1流量的的确定 53
1.2扬程的确定 53
1.3选择水泵 54
1.4机组基础设计 60
1.5吸水管与压水管路的计算 62
1.6布置机组和管道 64
1.7泵房形式选择 65
1.8吸水井的设计 66
1.9各标高工艺设计 66
1.10复核 67
1.11消防校核 67
1.12设备选择 68
1.13泵房建筑高度和平面尺寸确定 69
五、 工程投资估算及制水成本计算 69
1取水工程 69
2净水工程 69
3单位制水成本 71
结语 72
参考文献 73