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关键词:建筑 给水 消防 喷淋 排水

    The design for the 21-storey commercial and residential building, plumbing engineering design includes indoor domestic water supply system design, interior drainage system design, interior fire water system design, and stormwater system design. Domestic water supply system is divided into three zones: the basement floor of the lower zone, the use of municipal water supply network water supply; three to ten floor for the Central District, twelve to twenty one for the high-level area frequency pump water directly. Fire hydrant water supply system into the water supply system and the automatic sprinkler system, the construction of two types of civil construction, and its building height ≥ 50m, press the "fire protection design of tall buildings norms" provides indoor and outdoor water hydrant fire hydrant water were taken 40L / s and 30L / s, automatic sprinkler system in place under the pressurized equipment. Sewage and waste drainage system triage system, drainage system using special stretch a single riser top ventilation and drainage systems, roof ventilation higher risk 2.00m. Water supply system used in the steel, fire hydrant water supply system and the automatic sprinkler system galvanized seamless steel pipes, drainage system uses UPUC riser pipes, drainage manifold layers of the ordinary UPVC pipes. Located in the basement storage tank and pressure pump, separate basement sump, sump submersible sewage pump CMEC to ensure timely discharge of sewage.
Keyword: Building   Supply water  Fire control  Spray


第一章 设计说明
1.1  给水系统    1
    1.1.1 给水系统的组成    1
    1.1.2给水管道布置和敷设    1
    1.1.3  贮水池    1
    1.1.4竖向分区    2
    1.1.5 贮水池容积的计算    3
    1.1.6  水泵的扬程及泵的选型    4
1.2  消防系统    5
    1.2.1  设计原则    6
    1.2.2  设计参数    7
    1.2.3  室内消火栓的设计    7
    1.2.4  室外消火栓的设计    7
    1.2.5  消防水箱    7
    1.2.6  水泵接合器的选择与确定    8
    1.2.7  自动喷水灭火系统的设计    8
    1.2.8  灭火器的配置    9
1.3  排水系统    10
    1.3.1  排水系统的选择    10
    1.3.2  排水系统的组成    10
    1.3.3  排水系统的确定    10
    1.3.4  检查口、清扫口、和检查井的设置    10
第二章 计算说明
2.1室内给水系统计算    12
2.1.1给水定额及变化系数    12
2.1.2最高日用水量    12
2.1.3最高日最大时用水量    12
2.1.4设计秒流量    12
2.1.5室内管网压力     12
2.1.6选泵    20
2.2室内排水计算    21
2.2.1一层卫生间排水计算    21
2.2.2二层卫生间排水计算    21
2.2.3标准卫生间排水计算    23
2.2.4标准层厨房间排水计算    25
2.2.5地下室排水    25
2.2.6化粪池    26
2.3消防系统    26
2.3.1消火栓的布置    26
2.3.2水枪喷嘴处所需水压    26
2.3.3水枪喷嘴出流量    27
2.3.4水带阻力    27
2.3.5消火栓口所需水压    25
2.3.6校核    26
2.3.7水力计算    28
2.3.8减压    29
2.3.9消防水箱    29
2.4室内喷淋    30
2.4.1喷淋布置    30
2.4.2三到二十一标准层喷淋计算    30
2.4.3一、二层商业区喷淋计算    31
2.4.4地下一层喷淋计算    33
2.4.5报警阀及喷头    37
2.4.6水泵接合器    37
2.5雨水系统    37
2.5.1设计资料    37   
2.5.2水力计算    37
附录    38
主要参考文献    39
致谢    40
