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本建筑属于二类高层建筑,设计内容包括室内给排水系统、室内消火栓系统、自动喷淋系统、雨水系统。以建筑东侧人民中路城市给水管网作为水源,市政管网管径 DN300,干管埋深1.8m,供水水压为0.26MPa。给水系统所需压力H:根据经验,一层为100kPa,二层为120kPa,三层以上H=120+40×(n-2)kPa。故8层建筑所需水压大约为0.28MPa,地下一层到三层采用城市管网水压直接供水,四层以上采用地下室变频水泵机组联合供水。
【关键词】 :室内给水系统   消火栓系统   自动喷淋系统   排水系统

 The water supply and drainage design of Yixing New Oriental Department store expansion project
This works for the Yixing Oriental Department Store building expansion project of water supply and drainage design, is a tall building, this project underground parking, the equipment room; eight on the ground floor for commercial space; a total construction area of 12210m2, drainage for rain, sewage, waste water. The total building height of 34.5m.
The building belongs to the two type of high-rise building, the design content includes indoor water supply and drainage system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, rain water system. Building water supply pipe network in East people's Road City as a source of water, municipal pipe diameter DN300, dry pipe depth is 1.8m, the water supply pressure is 0.26MPa. Water supply system of the pressure H: according to the experience, a layer of 100kPa, two for 120kPa, three layer above the H=120+40 * (n-2) kPa. The 8 storey building the required pressure is about 0.36MPa, the ground floor to the three layer of the city water pipe network of water supply, four layer above the basement of variable frequency pump water supply.
The building fire-fighting water consumption by the early 10min roof water tank fire water supply, fire after 10min by wet alarm automatically start the fire pump supply pressure switch valve delay after the. Outdoor fire hydrant water 20L/S, indoor fire hydrant water 20L/S, the fire lasted 2 hours.
According to the requirements of environmental protection, combined with the outdoor water supply and drainage system settings, the use of drainage system, the building is the department store building, life less waste water, so the sewage all the outdoor septic tank and then discharged into the city sewer. Roof drainage selection of internal drainage, let rain water bucket on the roof, water pipeline in the building interior.
[keyword]: indoor water supply system, fire hydrant system , automatic sprinkler system, drainage system


目 录
第一章 给排水工程设计任务书    1
1.1 工程概况    1
1.1.1给水水源    1
1.1.2排水条件    1
1.2 设计依据    1
1.3 设计内容    1
第二章  设计说明书    2
2.1  室内给水工程    2
2.1.1给水方式选择    2
2.1.2给水系统立管组成:    2
2.1.3给水系统的组成    2
2.1.4给水管道布置与安装    2
2.2 室内排水工程    3
2.2.1设计说明    3
2.3 室内消火栓系统    3
2.3.1消防系统设计    4
2.4 自动喷淋工程    4
2.5  管道及设备的安装    5
2.5.1给水管道及设备安装    5
2.5.2排水管道的安装要求    5
2.5.3消防管道及设备安装    6
第三章 建筑给水排水系统计算    7
3.1      室内给水系统计算    7
3.1.1给水条件及形式选择    7
3.1.2给水管网布置    7
3.1.3地下贮水池容积    13
3.2   消火栓系统的计算    14
3.2.1设计参数    14
3.2.2消火栓给水系统计算    14
3.2.3屋顶消防水箱和地下消防贮水池的计算    17
3.3     室内自动喷水灭火系统的计算    19
3.3.1基本设计数据    19
3.3.2喷头的选用与布置    19
3.3.3水力计算    19
3.3.4校核    22
3.4  室内排水系统的计算    24
3.4.1设计计算    24
3.4.2立管计算    27
3.4.3化粪池容积的计算    28
3.5     雨水系统的设计与计算    30
3.5.1设计说明    30
3.5.2降雨强度    30
3.5.3雨水立管的布置    30
3.5.4水力计算    30
参考文献    33
总 结    34
致 谢    35
