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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D6448 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D6448
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摘  要:湖南丘陵区的坡耕地长期以来存在着季节性和区域性缺水共存、灌排工程老化,水库病险多、灌区设施年久失修,毁损严重、灌区建设资金投入渠道单一、灌溉技术与管理技术滞后等问题。在国家大力建设社会主义新农村,发展现代农业的时代背景下,提供一套丘陵地区耕地灌排系统的优化模式对于提供湖南丘陵区耕地单产水平、发展农业生产力和新农村建设就有迫切的现实意义。本文以湖南省浏阳市古港镇港星村为例进行耕地灌排系统优化模式的案例研究。主要取得了以下研究成果:根据地形、地面坡度、土层厚度及土壤情况,将规划区改造为田成方、路成网、沟渠贯通的农业园;在充分利用区内原有沟渠的基础上,新增部分沟渠,使区内水系互通,方便农田灌溉;合理规划格田,以改善农业生产条件,提高农业生产力。

Study on Water Irrigation and Drainage System in Hunan
—Taking the Gangxing Village of Gugang Town Liuyang City for Example
Abstract:Hilly areas in Hunan  exist some problems ,seasonal and regional water shortage, irrigation and drainage engineering aging, more dangerous reservoirs, irrigation facilities in disrepair, serious damage, irrigation channels, construction of a single capital investment, irrigation technology and management techniques Lagged behind.With the development of building a new socialist countryside and modern agriculture ,the significance of providing a hilly area of ??cultivated land irrigation and drainage system optimization model for the provision of land yields hilly region of Hunan and the development of agricultural productivity  is urgent.This thesis is based on Liuyang City in Hunan,farmland irrigation and drainage system optimization model for case study.Main achieved the following results: According to the topography, land slope, soil depth and soil conditions, will be transformed into fields prescription planning area, the road into a network of canals through the agricultural park;Full use of the region on the basis of the original trench, add some ditches, the water exchange zone to facilitate irrigation; rational planning cell field, in order to improve conditions for agricultural production, increase agricultural productivity.
key word: cultivated land  Irrigation and drainage systems  Optimization mode


