摘 要 几年前,世界经济已经开始新一轮的增长,经济全球化趋势不断增强,以信息技术产业为先导的“新经济”方兴未艾,虽然对新经济的提法还没有统一的意见,如有电子经济、网络经济、信息经济、知识经济等说,但是各界已经一致认为近几年的重点是建立在互联网基础上的电子商务新经济。网上购物是一种具有交互功能的商业信息系统。可使商家和用户方便的传递信息,完成电子贸易。这种全新的交易方式实现了公司间文档与资金的无纸化交换。 现在流行的网上购物系统不仅要有漂亮的网页,更要有严谨的规划。每一个细小的环节都很重要。这样才能使得在电子交易时避免不必要错误发生。本系统将使用HTML、ASP等技术来编辑网页,并运用asp技术把数据库和动态网页相关联。 该系统主要包括前台直接面向用户的界面和后台数据库的管理两个方面。对于前者要求用户能够很直观的理解界面的使用方式,并且能很方便的实现购物。而对于后者则要求数据库的一致性和完整性强,数据安全性好。经过构思分析后,我主要运用ASP编程,实现前台ASP文件的建立。在后台建立方面我们运用了Microsoft Access数据库,它能够实现数据库的建立与管理,实现asp文件对数据库的访问。
关键词:asp,网上购物,Access数据库 The Design and Achievement of Internet Shopping Abstract A few years ago, the world economy has begun a new round of growth, the trend of economic globalization continue to strengthen, with the information technology industry as the precursor of the new economy is rising, although the reference to the new economy also does not have a unified opinion, if electronic The economy, the network economy, the information economy, knowledge-based economy, and so on, but all agreed that recent years have focused on the establishment of the Internet e-commerce on the basis of the new economy. Internet shopping is a kind of interactive features of commercial information systems. Will enable businesses and consumers to facilitate the transmission of information, to complete e-commerce. The new deal means the inter-company documents and paperless exchange of funds. Online shopping system is not only a beautiful page, a more rigorous planning. Each a small part is very important. In order to make electronic transactions to avoid unnecessary errors. We will use HTML, ASP, and other technology to edit pages, and use of the database and asp technology related to dynamic pages. The system includes front desk directly to the user interface and back-end database management aspects. With regard to the former require users to interface is very intuitive understanding of the use, and can easily achieve the shopping. As for the latter request database consistency and integrity of strong, good data security. The idea of analysis, I mainly use ASP programming, and prospects of the establishment of ASP document. In the background established, we use the Microsoft Access database, it can be achieved with the establishment of database management, and asp document to the database.
Key words: asp, Internet shopping, Microsoft Access database
目 录 任务书 I 摘 要 II ABSTRACT III 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 国内外现状 1 1.2 应用范围 2 第2章 关键技术介绍 3 2.1 动态网页的优点 3 2.2 asp技术介绍 3 2.3 asp技术的特点 4 2.4 asp程序的优点 5 2.5 asp访问数据库 6 2.6 WEB服务器的配置 8 2.7 数据库介绍 8 2.8 系统颜色的搭配 9 第3章 网上购物系统分析与设计 10 3.1 逻辑结构B/S 10 3.2 WEB站点系统功能模块 10 3.3 系统功能主要模块流程 11 3.4 数据库设计 12 第4章 系统模块的实现 19 4.1 登录/注册的具体实现 19 (毕业设计) 4.1.1 用户登录页面 19 4.1.2 用户注册界面 20 4.2 商品模糊查找的具体实现 21 4.3 购物车的具体实现 22 4.4 公告/新闻的具体实现 23 4.5 后台的具体实现 24 第5章 结 论 27 参考文献 28 致 谢 29 |