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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26540 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26540
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摘要: 近几年随着人口的增加,人们对身体健康方面的关注点也越来越多,而如今社会面临看病难等诸多问题,大一点的医院往往就医数量巨大,而小医院往往并无多少人进行就医,因此迫切需要网络智能医疗系统来解决这些迫在眉睫的问题。
关键字:sql server 数据库 ; 系统 ;智能医疗                                    

Design and Implementation of Intelligent Medical System
Abstract: In the recent years,as the number of the population increases,people are paying more and more attention to the body health,however,in the current society,there are a great deal of problems such as that seeing doctors is very difficult. A large hospital always needs to handle mass patients,in the meantime,many small hospital vacant . So there is an urgent need for cyber intelligent medical system to solve these imminent problems
In order to realize poly functionality and humanization of the visual medical services ,to make the hospital’s management of drugs more convenient , the intelligent medical system was designed . It is development to storage the medical information of the patients , it can also make to patients able to commentary the dates and consult with the doctors.
This paper mainly discusses the forming process of the intelligent medical system , including the design and implementation of the database and the detailed introduce of each function
Keywords :  Sqlserver database ; system ;Intelligent medical



目 录
1. 引言    1
2. 背景知识    1
2.1 研究背景    1
2.2 研究意义    2
2.3智能医疗的发展与现状    2
2.3.1智能医疗带成发展趋势    2
2.3..2智能医疗发展现状    3
2.3.3 未来智能医疗发展方向    3
3.需求分析    4
3.1 系统概述    4
3.2 项目的总体目标    4
3.3项目预期的功能及操作流程    5
3.3.1 用户管理    5
3.3.2医院预约    5
3.3.3药品管理和登门预约    5
3.3.4评价    5
3.3.5医院管理    6
3.3.6病历管理    6
3.4 语言、组件设计    6
3.4.1 C#语言.net框架    6
3.4.2 bootstrap框架简介    7
3.4.3 visual studio简介    7
4.统架构设计    8
4.1 系统结构设计    8
4.1.1系统结构图    8
4.1.2 用例图    8
4.1.3系统描述    9
4.2 数据库设计    10
4.2.1 SQL Server简介    10
4.2.2逻辑存储结构    11
4.2.3 E-R图    11
4.2.4数据库表设计    12
5. 系统主要功能及模块实现    13
5.1 用户注册和登录    13
5.2医院预约    17
5.3药品管理    19
6. 系统测试    20
6.1注册界面的测试    20
6.2登录界面的测试    22
6.3医院预约    23
7. 结论    25
参考文献    25
致谢    27
