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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D15038 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D15038
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Abstract: today in the vast amounts of information data, network users and businesses are faced with confusion, one side is the huge amount of user demand for data, one side is struggling to find buyers for the dealer network, and based on Web Data Mining Technology in personalized recommendation technology is to solve the problem of an effective method, through the web data mining, according to user needs analysis to automatically push can send to meet user demand information, not only solve the urgent needs of the market, and solve the seller of a seller's market, can be described as a win-win. This paper briefly introduces the personalized recommendation system of data mining based on Web log, expounds several common important personalized recommendation algorithms, and summarizes the role of personalized recommendation and the possible problems in the future.
Keywords: Web log, data mining, personalized recommendation

第一章 绪论    2
1.1研究背景与意义    2
1.2国内外研究现状    3
1.3 论文的内容安排    3
第二章 web日志挖掘概述    4
2.1 数据挖掘    4
2.1.1数据挖掘的一般过程    4
2.1.2 数据挖掘的算法模型分类    5
2.2 web数据挖掘    6
2.2.1  web数据挖掘的数据源    6
2.2.2  web数据挖掘的分类    7
2.3 web日志挖掘与个性化推荐    8
2.3.1 数据来源    8
2.3.3 web日志挖掘的应用过程    9
2.3.4 基于web挖掘的个性化推荐方法    10
2.3.5 web数据挖掘与个性化推荐的益处    12
2. 4 本章小节    13
第三章 基于web日志挖掘的个性化推荐原型系统    14
3.1个性化    14
3.2个性化推荐系统框架设计    14
3.3 个性化推荐系统主要功能模块    16
3.3.1 预处理模块    16
3.3.2 挖掘模块    18
3.3.3 推荐模块    19
3.4 个性化推荐系统工作流程    19
3.5本章小结    20
第四章 个性化推荐系统算法研究与改进    21
4.1马尔可夫预测模型定义    21
4.2马尔可夫预测原型    22
4.2.1传统马尔可夫预测模型    22
4.2.2 混合马尔可夫预测方法    24
4.2.3多马尔可夫链预测模型    26
4.3马尔可夫预测模型改进    28
4.3.1模型存储结构的改进    28
4.3.2 用户特征分类    31
4.3.3 引入页面聚类思想    36
4.3.4改进模型的分析    38
第五章 实验及结果分析    40
5.1实验对比    40
5.2本章小结    43
第六章 总结与展望    44
6.1总结    44
6.2进一步工作展望    44
