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【摘  要】每个游戏都有它的独特设计思路和开发思路,随着游戏的不断开发和软件技术的不断提高,电子游戏的类型不断的日渐增多,电子游戏也从单一的游戏类型发展到现在类型繁多,体系庞大的一个大家族,这个家族有许许多多的家族分子组成,而游戏设计类型的思路的和开发思路就是这个大家族的重要一份子,然而RPG游戏在这个家庭中扮演着最主流的角色。那么他们在游戏的构建过程中到底有多重要,有着怎样的地位,是如何推动这个大家族发展的,这就是本篇文章所要探索和分析的。

【关键词】 RPG角色扮演游戏;游戏类型;设计原则;分析

RPG type of game design and research
【 Abstract】Each game has its own unique design ideas and the development of ideas , with the continuous development of the game and improve software technology , the type of video games constantly increasing number of electronic games from a single type of game to the present type of variety, huge system a large family , this family has a family composed of many elements , and the type of game design ideas and the development of ideas is an important part of this big family , but most mainstream RPG game play roles in this family . How they build process of the game in the end is important , has a kind of status , is how to promote the development of this large family , which is this article to be explored and analyzed .
      This article focuses on the analysis to look at several parts : Firstly, the basic concept of role-playing (RPG) game , character, background , type of development , second : role-playing (RPG) game design , principles of design , visual communication game , features . Third: role-playing (RPG) game interface design research methods , user-centered design philosophy applied to game design. Analysis of the concept of the game. And stories .

Keywords:  RPG role-playing games ; game types ; design principles; analyzing

目录    2
第1章 绪论    2
1.1 选题背景    3
1.2研究内容    3
1.3研究目标    3
1.4研究方法    3
第2章 RPG游戏的概念    4
2.1RPG游戏的概念    4
    2.2RPG游戏的特性    4
2.3RPG游戏的不足    4
    2.4RPG游戏的发展    5
第3章 RPG游戏类型解析    5
3.1RPG游戏正确的游戏概念    5
3.2RPG游戏类型的发展    5
3.RPG游戏类型的简化以及便于认识的原则    6
第4章 RPG游戏具体发展分析    6
4.1 RPG游戏具体发展分析的概念    6
第5章 游戏制作    8
第6章 总结    6
引用文献    11
