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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D15529 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D15529
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摘   要

关键词:3D技术; 虚拟现实; 三维模型; 实景漫游

Research of Xinhua Campus 3D Roaming Based on VRML
Virtual reality means use the computer simulation technology to generate a virtual 3D world.Through the simulation of human visual, auditory, tactile and other sensory bring users the scene feeling like be personally.The user can feel the thing of the 3d virtual world at any time with no limit. When the user moves the position, computer can complex operation instantly, will return the world of 3D images to the user, and gives the user a on-the-spot sense of reality.
The scene which the thesis design needed was filmed in Xinhua campus,and then need to design the 3D model ,construct 3D virtual campus and campus panorama.Users just need to install the 3D browsing tools, through the keyboard and mouse operation ,can achieve virtual campus scene roaming on Xinhua.The whole design process should solve 3 problems: construct the three-dimensional model, panorama generation, selection and design of the browser.

KeyWords: 3D Technology; Virtual Reality; 3D Model; Scene Roaming

目   录
1 绪   论    1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义    1
2 VR技术简介    3
2.1 VR的基本概念    3
2.1.1 VR的关键术语    3
2.1.2 VR的特点    7
2.1.3 VR的应用领域    8
2.2 VR的研究现状    9
2.2.1 国外研究现状    9
2.2.2 国内研究现状    10
2.2.3 新华学院的研究现状    11
2.3 VR的关键技术    12
3 虚拟校园的构建    13
3.1 虚拟校园的概念    13
3.2 虚拟校园模型的构建    13
3.2.1 构建工具的比较与选择    13
3.2.2 构建校园模型    14
3.2.3 模型文件的导出    19
4 虚拟校园的漫游研究    21
4.1 浏览器的选择设计    21
4.2 碰撞检测研究    21
4.3 漫游过程中出现的问题及分析    22
5 结   论    24
致   谢    26
参考文献    27
