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摘  要
本文以汽车的售后服务为研究对象,对其平台的进行了分析、设计与实施。首先,对汽车售后服务目前的现状进行了查询与分析。通过阅读刊物以及网页上的相关文章以及自己的亲身体验,紧跟国内外目前的研究成果,分析汽车售后服务的经营模式特点。之后,论证系统是否可行,也就是系统的可行性,包括经济可行性、技术可行性;在对市场进行调查之后,了解车主的一些基本需求,敲定平台的各个模块及模块的功能。然后,鉴于该系统有着很强的实用性,以及清晰的业务处理等特点,我们将用生命周期法进行分析,对售后服务平台进行设计。在整个平台的设计中,基于B/S三层(前台表现层、逻辑处理层、数据连接层)架构对系统进行开发。根据业务流程图与数据流程图对系统的整体功能进行逐步实现。采用SQL Server数据库技术、ASP技术。最后,通过平台的设计、连接后台数据库实现汽车售后服务平台的设计与实施。


The analysis and implementation of auto after-sales service platform
    Since the 21st century, we have entered an information era. With the rapid development of Internet technology, in recent years, the Internet rapid development throughout the world, and the Internet users of praise. Under this premise, the electronic commerce present \"blowout\" type development. Economists also analysis the electronic commerce will become the main driver of world economic development in the future. Online trading of have a little many, is undoubtedly the most important thing, which is convenient to use. All users all traditional business can be transferred to the Internet, such as online booking, online payment, online feedback, etc. Compared with the traditional trading clearly has more advantages. Auto after-sales service platform and the traditional service or have very big difference, auto after-sales service platform in various kinds of service and unified public price, by the customer to choose service category, can reduce the workload after-sales service personnel, but also save the owner's time. Price unified public services, platform to make service becomes transparent, service evaluation also rose to the supervisory function of the authorized repair station. The auto makers to owner information maintenance is also a very important part of.
Based on the auto after-sales service as the research object, analyses its platform, design and implementation. First, the actuality of auto after-sales service for the query and analysis. By reading journals and articles on the web, and his own experience, keep up with the present research results at home and abroad, analyzing the characteristics of the auto after-sales service business model. After the demonstration system is feasible, which is the feasibility of the system, including the economic feasibility, technical feasibility; After investigating the market, understand the owner's basic requirements, the platform of each module and the module function. Then, in view of the system has very strong practicability, and clear business processing, etc, we will use the life cycle method is analyzed, the after-sales service platform to carry on the design. In the design of the whole platform, based on B/S three layers (front desk presentation layer, logic layer, data link layer) architecture to develop the system. According to the business flow diagram and data flow diagram to gradually achieve the function of the system. Using SQL Server database technology, ASP technology. Finally, through the platform design, connection backend database to realize the design and implementation of auto after-sales service platform.
keywords :Auto after-sales service; Information technology, the platform analysis and design; Network technology

目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究目的及意义    2
1.3 国内外研究现状分析    3
1.3.1 国外研究现状    3
1.3.2 国内研究现状    4
1.4 论文研究内容及方法    5
1.4.1 论文主要研究内容    5
1.4.2 论文主要研究方法    5
第2章 汽车售后服务系统分析    7
2.1 需求分析    7
2.1.1 性能需求分析    7
2.1.2 功能性需求分析    7
2.2 可行性分析    10
2.2.1 经济可行性    10
2.2.2 技术可行性    10
2.3 业务流程分析    11
2.3.1 业务流程符号说明    11
2.3.2 业务流程图    11
2.4 数据流程分析    15
2.4.1 数据流程符号说明    16
2.4.2 数据流程图    16
2.5 本章小结    18
第3章 汽车售后服务系统设计    19
3.1 系统功能模块设计    19
3.2 数据库设计    20
3.2.1 系统E-R图    20
3.2.2 数据表设计    22
3.3 输入输出设计    24
3.3.1 输入设计    24
3.3.2 输出设计    24
3.4 本章小结    25
第4章 汽车售后服务系统实施    26
4.1 开发环境    26
4.2 开发技术    26
4.3 重要功能的实现    26
4.3.1平台用户注册功能的实现    26
4.3.2用户登录功能的实现    27
4.3.3服务查询功能的实现    28
4.3.4“我的订单”功能的实现    29
4.3.5 生成订单功能的实现    30
4.3.6 后台管理功能的实现    30
4.4 系统测试    31
4.5 本章小结    32
结论    33
致谢    34
参考文献    35
