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摘  要   
关键词   MySQL ,B/S ,模块化,医院药品分类管理系统    
With the continuous improvement of science and technology, computer science and the maturing of its powerful features have a profound understanding of people, it has access to all areas of human society and play an increasingly important role. As part of computer applications, the use of computer files for students to manage information, management can not be compared with manual advantages. For example: the rapid search to find convenient, high reliability and large storage capacity, the confidentiality of a good, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of the management of student files as well as enterprises scientific and standardized management, and an important condition for the rest of the world.
The system development language for the JAVA language, using the application server for tomcat server, background data is the MySQL database, the system architecture to B/S mode.
The system is divided into four modules.The basis of information management module, purchase / demand management module, pharmaceutical sales management modules and system modules.The system to save resources, improve efficiency, and to make important documents more secure.
KEYWORDS  MySQL, B/S, Modularization, Medicine Management System

目 录
摘  要    I
1  绪论    1
1.1  开发背景    1
1.2  课题意义    1
1.3 课题现状    1
2  相关技术    3
2.1  Struts简介    3
2.2  Hibernate简介    3
2.3  MySQL简介    3
2.4  Tomcat技术    4
2.5  JSP技术    4
2.6  MVC模式简介    5
3  系统分析    5
3.1  运行环境    5
3.2  需求分析    6
3.2.1  功能需求分析    6
3.2.2  性能分析    7
3.3  数据需求    8
3.4  系统体系结构分析    8
3.4.1  B/S结构    8
3.4.2  B/S与C/S的优越性    9
4  系统功能模块设计    11
4.1  系统目标    11
4.2  系统功能结构    11
4.3  系统流程图    12
4.4  逻辑分层结构设计    13
5  系统数据库设计    13
5.1  数据库介绍    14
5.2  数据库分析    15
5.3  概念设计    15
5.4  逻辑设计    17
6  系统实现    19
6.1  数据库模块实现    19
6.2  数据库的建立    20
6.3  系统登录功能的实现    21
6.4  用户其他功能的实现    22
6.4.1  医院药品分类管理功能的实现    22
6.4.2  类别管理功能的实现    23
6.4.3  购买药品功能的实现    24
6.4.4  销售管理功能的实现    26
6.4.5  进货/需求管理功能的实现    26
6.4.6  系统管理功能的实现    26
7  系统测试和发布    27
7.1  系统测试    27
7.1.1  界面测试    28
7.1.2  功能测试    28
7.2  系统发布    28
结束语    28
致  谢    29
参考文献    30
