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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D17301 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D17301
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摘  要


The system, with the core of registration, orders, and checkout, is developed and designed by studying the daily business processe of the teahouses.The modules of this system include booking management, ordering management, and electronic checkout management, business statistics, chart analysis, and data analysis, seats management, tea and biscuits management, membership management, and user management.
These management modules help to offer daily business management, analysis and decision-making. On the other hand, it can solve tproblems such as inefficience, high cost, and heavy workload of turnover statistics of the traditional mode of teahouse management. With the systematically statistics and analysis, manager can track operating conditions, improve management methods, and make some important decisions much more easily and faster; what is more, earn more profits at the lowest cost.
In all, the overall target of the development and design of teahouse front counter operation and management subsystem is to make the operation of teahouses more convenient and more efficient, to achieve the management of teahouses more practical ,more systematic and more standard,so as to achieve the goals of improving  the efficiency of management and the quality of service.
However,there is still a bit of problem in this system, that is, it can only be used in one computer every time. Therefore, it would cause some limitations to the operation and management of larger teahouses.

[Key Words]:teahouse management; information system; businesss management; statistics ; analysis

目    录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
1.系统开发背景    1
2.需求分析    1
2.1 系统内容    1
2.2 业务流程分析    1
2.3 数据需求分析    2
3.系统设计    3
3.1 功能结构图    3
3.2 系统流程图    4
3.3 数据库设计    5
3.3.1系统E-R图    5
3.3.2主要表及视图设计    5
3.4 系统主界面    10
3.5 模块设计    10
4.系统实现    12
4.1 技术概述    12
4.1.1重点技术运用    12
4.1.2 运行环境    13
4.2 主要功能模块实现    13
4.2.1 来宾登记    13
4.2.2 顾客下单    14
4.2.3 顾客结账    15
4.2.4 营业额统计及账单导出    16
4.2.5 茶品销售排行    17
4.2.6 图表分析    17
4.2.7 会员消费分析    19
4.2.8 顾客类型分析    20
5.总结    21
参考文献    22
致    谢    23
附录 部分程序代码    24
