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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D17302 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D17302
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摘  要
基于Android平台、 XMPP协议以及LBS服务开发IM应用,整合地图定位、多媒体通讯、陌生人社交等功能,以其便携性为用户提供更人性化的服务,具有非常好的应用前景。


With the rapid development of mobile internet, Instant Messaging is gradually developing from being transmitted by traditional desktop to mobile devices. The rapid popularization of intelligent terminal enables Instant Messaging to be more convenient and user-friendly.
It is based on the platform of Android system, XMPP protocol and Location-based services. Besides, with the functions of applying map-locations, multimedia communications, social platform for strangers, it provides a more user-friendly service for users and enjoys a promising prospect.
By studying the Android system and Openfire server, the Instant Messaging application was designed and implemented based on XMPP protocol and LBS technology. This software was designed with some functions including register login, send-and-receive of message, friends management, map-locations and so on. After being tested and deliberately deployed, the functions of the system generally meet the anticipated requirements. It is responded with better user experience at the same time.

[Key Words]:Instant Messaging;Android;XMPP;LBS
目    录
摘  要    I
1. 绪论    1
1.1  选题依据及课题背景    1
1.2  目前现状与发展趋势    1
1.3  研究目的和开发意义    2
2. 相关技术    3
2.1  ANDROID平台简介    3
2.1.1  Android基本介绍    3
2.1.2  Android应用组件    3
2.2  XMPP协议解析    4
2.2.1  XMPP基本概述    4
2.2.2  XMPP地址结构    4
2.2.3  XMPP消息格式    4
2.3  LBS定位技术    5
3. 系统分析    6
3.1  系统功能结构模型    6
3.1.1  注册登录模块分析    7
3.1.2  好友管理模块分析    8
3.1.3  即时通讯模块分析    9
3.1.4  地图定位模块分析    10
3.2  系统的数据流程图    10
4. 详细设计    12
4.1  系统整体设计    12
4.1.1  系统框架设计    12
4.1.2  数据接口设计    13
4.2  功能界面设计    13
4.3  数据存储设计    15
4.3.1  SharedPreferences    15
4.3.2  SQLite数据库    15
4.3.3  文件存储    16
5. 应用实现    17
5.1  用户注册功能实现    17
5.2  登录注销功能实现    17
5.3  好友管理功能实现    18
5.3.1  添加好友实现    18
5.3.2  移动好友实现    19
5.3.3  删除好友实现    19
5.4  聊天服务功能实现    19
5.4.1  在线聊天实现    19
5.4.2  离线消息实现    20
5.5  地图定位功能实现    20
6. 部署测试    24
6.1  系统部署    24
6.2  单元测试    24
6.3  集成测试    26
6.4  其他测试    28
7. 结论    29
参考文献    30
