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Cyclic code technology research and application
ABSTRACT:In modern communications technology, since the information is encoded in the transmission channel when interference is generated due to errors, in order to be able to monitor and error correction, error correction coding emerged. Cyclic code is a linear block code, because of their special algebraic properties, good error detection and correction capability and easy to implement is widely used in error correction coding. This paper describes the concept of modern communications technology background cyclic codes, coding and decoding method and practical application of cyclic code, and test the decoding and error correction encoding test (7,4) cyclic code in C language environment.
Keywords:Channel error; error correcting code; cyclic code;

摘要    5
第一章绪论    7
1.1课题来源及研究意义    7
1.2循环码的发展及研究现状    7
1.3本文的主要工作    8
第二章计算机通信技术    8
2.1通信的概念    8
2.2通信的发展史    8
2.3计算机通信    9
2.4纠错码    9
2.4.1纠错码    9
2.4.2纠错码原理    10
第三章循环码的理论介绍    11
3.2循环码的定义    11
3.3循环码的多项式表示    12
3.4 (n,k)循环码的生成多项式    12
3.5循环码的生成矩阵及一致校验矩阵    12
3.6系统循环码    14
3.7循环码编码及译码原理    14
3.7.1编码    14
3.7.2译码    15
第四章循环码的应用    17
4.1循环码在CDMA统中的应用    17
4.2循环码在数字通信中的应用    17
4.4循环码在铁路通讯安全中的应用    17
4.3循环码在前向纠错(测井系统)中的应用    18
4.4循环码在微机网络系统中的应用    18
第五章代码测试    19
5.1运行环境及测试内容    19
5.2理论过程分析    19
5.3测试结果    19
第六章总结    23
参考文献:    23
致谢    24
