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Research on Blind Computation Based on Private Information
Abstract:Blind quantum computation is a new secure quantum computation protocol in which client who does not have any quantum power or enough quantum computation can delegate the quantum computation to the remote sever who has strong and powerful quantum computation ability. At the same time, the sever will not know anything about the input, output and the algorithm of the client wants to do. In this paper, we study the Broadbent protocol and the BFK sing server protocol. We find that the Broadbent protocol based on quantum wire implement R gate under one-time pad which universes the no-Clifford gate and Clifford gate. But it did not realize the Toffoli gate which is more important in the universality. We make an algorithm to prove the impossibility of implement of the Toffoli gate without extra resources. As for BFK single server protocol based on measurement in which measurement is the main force released the requirement of the client side, we develop it by using the rotation only in the client side. Moreover, we expand the BFK single server protocol to more server protocol version in order to reduce the resources to use and make the client more classical.
Keywords: Blind quantum computation; BFK single server protocol; R gate; Toffoli gate; Quantum measurement
目 录
1 引言 1
2 量子计算基础知识 1
2.1 量子比特及其表示 1
2.1.1 量子比特的概念 1
2.1.2 量子比特的符号表示 2
2.1.3 量子比特的几何表示 2
2.1.4 量子态的矩阵表示 4
2.2 量子纠缠 5
2.3 量子门 5
2.3.1 量子门的概念与标记 5
2.3.2 量子旋转门 6
2.4 量子测量 7
2.4.1 投影测量 7
2.4.2 POVM测量 8
3量子计算模型与BQC概述 8
3.1 量子计算模型 8
3.2 BQC的概念 11
3.3 BQC发展现状 12
4基于线路模型的盲量子计算协议及其改进 12
4.1 Broadbent盲量子计算协议回顾 12
4.1.1 Clifford group简介 13
4.1.2 Clifford group的协议 13
4.1.3 no-Clifford group的协议 14
4.2 Broadbent协议缺陷及其证明 15
5基于测量的盲量子计算协议与改进 16
5.1 BFK单服务器盲量子计算协议回顾 16
5.2 协议改进 17
5.3 协议分析 18
5.4 协议扩展 20
5.4.1 扩展至双服务器 20
5.4.2 扩展至三服务器 21
6 总结与展望 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 25 |