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Analysis and Research on Quantum Clustering Algorithm
Abstract:Quantum clustering algorithm is a new algorithm developed on the basis of the classical clustering algorithm. It use quantum method to rewrite the clustering algorithm to solve the problem of slow speed and expensive cost when dealing with large amounts of data in high dimension. And bring exponential acceleration for classical clustering algorithm. In this paper, we first introduce basic knowledge, including the classical clustering algorithm and quantum computing. After that, on the basis of the further study of quantum clustering algorithm , we proposes a quantum k-means algorithm based on the nearest distance. We construct the entanglement state of the centroid of cluster and the point to be classified, an auxiliaryparticle is adjoined. Then we measure the auxiliaryparticle and then get the distance between two points. Finally, we study the quantum clustering algorithm based on nearest neighbor and give out some improvement. By clustering sample points, we reduce the search scope of neighboring points, thus bring algorithm acceleration.
Keywords: clustering algorithm; quantum computing; k-means algorithm; k-nearest-neighbor algorithm; exponential acceleration
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1 绪论 3
2 基础知识简介 4
2.1 量子理论发展概述 4
2.2 量子计算术语 4
2.2.1量子叠加 4
2.2.2 量子纠缠 4
2.2.3 量子比特 5
2.2.4 量子逻辑门 5
2.3经典的机器学习聚类算法 6
2.3.1 k-means聚类算法 7
2.3.2 k-近邻聚类算法 8
2.3.3 决策树算法 8
3量子聚类算法概述 9
3.1量子流形嵌入 10
3.2量子层次聚类 10
3.3基于最近距离的量子聚类算法 11
4 基于最近距离的量子k-means算法 11
4.1空间中点与距离的量子表示 11
4.2算法步骤 12
4.3效率分析 14
5 基于近邻距离的量子聚类算法及其改进 15
5.1 Wiebe算法回顾 15
5.1.1 假设 16
5.1.2 算法步骤 16
5.2改进的Wiebe算法设计 18
5.2.1 算法思想 18
5.2.2 算法详细步骤 19
5.2.3 效率分析 20
6 总结与展望 21
参考文献: 21
致谢 23 |