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关键词:图书馆 座位管理系统 占座 座位资源
Investigation and Analysis of the Use of Seat Management System
In University Libraries
In order to promote reasonable and effective allocation of library seating resources and eliminate uncivilized phenomena such as “occupying seats” and “grabbing seats”, the traditional library management system has been unable to solve such problems. Major universities have gradually turned their attention to library seat management system in this area. This article starts with the definition of the library seat management system, combines the application status, development trends, and basic functions of the system, and at the same time, conducts a questionnaire for the most common occupancy phenomenon in the university library and the status quo of the use of such systems. The network survey, taking Nanjing University of Technology Library as an example, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the seat management system and proposes corresponding improvement measures. It is hoped that major universities will adopt the rational use of library seat management systems to solve the problem of library occupancy and give more students access to public resources.
Key words: library; Seat management system; occupying a seat; Seating resources
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 主要研究内容 2
第二章 文献综述 4
2.1 国内研究现状 4
2.2 国外研究现状 5
第三章 高校图书馆座位管理系统的发展状况 7
3.1 座位管理系统的含义 7
3.2 图书馆座位管理系统的发展与使用现状 7
3.3 图书馆座位管理系统类型介绍 8
第四章 南京工业大学图书馆座位管理系统使用情况的调查与分析 10
4.1 问卷设计 10
4.2 数据整理与分析 10
4.2.1 图书馆座位使用人群以及使用频率分析 10
4.2.2 图书馆座位管理系统满意度分析 12
4.2.3 图书馆座位管理系统的价值以及不足分析 12
4.3 结论 13
第五章 图书馆座位管理系统流程与功能分析 14
5.1 座位管理系统流程 14
5.2 座位管理系统优化建议 15
结束语 17
参考文献 18
附录 21
致谢 23