来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D21007 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21007
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With the rapid development of information technology, countries around the world have put forward some concepts, such as "Industry 4.0" and "Made in China 2025", which marks the fourth industrial revolution centered on "smart manufacturing" at home and abroad. The traditional manufacturing industry will move toward intelligentization under the influence of the new generation of Internet and Internet of Things technologies, which is of great significance for improving the international competitiveness of the manufacturing industry and deepening the industrial structure reform. Digital twinning technology is one of the key technologies to realize "intelligent manufacturing". Through the use of physical models, sensor monitoring, operation history and other data, the technology completes the mirror mapping from the real space to the virtual digital space, thus, the behavior of the physical equipment is reflected and controlled by the digital twin model during the entire life cycle of the equipment.
In this paper, UR5 multi-cooperative robot is taken as the research object. By building a digital twin platform, the motion state of UR5 multi-cooperative robot is monitored in real time and displayed on the network platform. The research contents of this paper are summarized as follows:
1. Analyze the principles of digital twin and design requirements to determine the design of the digital twin platform.
2. Study the physical parameters of the UR5 robot and draw a three-dimensional model of the robot.
3. Based on the motion logic of the UR5 robot, write a script for each joint model of the robot arm, specify its movement mode, and fit the actual robot.
4. Build a website for users to monitor robot data in real time.
5. Load the UR5 robot model to realize real-time monitoring of the robot with the network platform as the carrier.
6. Write a communication protocol to realize data transmission between the robot and the network platform.
Keywords:The UR5 multi-cooperative robot;Digital twin;Web development; TCP/IP protocol
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文的组织结构 2
第2章 数字孪生系统的理论基础 4
2.1 UR5型机器人简介 4
2.2 Web前端开发技术 4
2.2.1 超文本标记语言 4
2.2.2 JavaScript脚本语言 4
2.2.3 Java Servlet 5
2.3 TCP/IP协议 6
2.3.1 TCP/IP的概念 6
2.3.2 TCP的工作机制 7
2.4 相关软件介绍 9
2.4.1 Eclipse 9
2.4.2 Tomcat 9
2.4.3 Unity 9
2.5 本章小结 10
第3章 数字孪生系统的方案设计 11
3.1 数字孪生模型的构建方案 11
3.2 网络平台的构建方案 11
3.3 数据通信的设计方案 11
3.3.1 网络平台与UR5实体机器人的通信 12
3.3.2 网络平台与UR5机器人模型的通信 13
3.4 本章小结 13
第4章 数字孪生系统的构建 14
4.1 数字孪生模型的构建 14
4.2 网络平台的构建 16
4.3 数据通信的实现 18
4.3.1 TCP/IP数据通信 19
4.3.2 Servlet数据转发 21
4.4 功能测试 22
4.5 本章小结 24
第5章 总结与展望 25
5.1 总结 25
5.2 展望 25
参考文献 27
致谢 28 |