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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21018 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21018
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Median filtering forensics in color images based on convolutional neural network
Abstract:With the development of computer technology, more and more tampered images appear in our daily life, which accordingly make image forensics technology receive much attention. Since the median filtering can be employed by tampers to erase tampering marks, that the image is filtered is viewed as the criterion to judge the image has been tampered. As a common image format in daily life, JPEG is detectedto find out whether it is filtered. In this essay, firstly, the authorexplains the principle that the median filtering can destroy the correlation and periodicity between JPEG image blocks. Then, JPEG-100 is used to compress the detected JPEG image. It is conducted under the intention that the information is not lost and it can ensure the reconstruction of the correlation between the image block and periodicity. Additionally, the author compares the JPEG image with the jpeg-100 compressed and decompressed image. Finally, the convolutional neural network is selected for classification, thus achieving a high experimental accuracy.
Key words:Image forensics;median filtering; JPEG image; deep learning

目 录
1引言    1
1.1背景与意义    1
1.2 国内外现状    2
1.3 可行性以及内容    2
1.4 整体组织结构及研究方法    3
2中值滤波    3
3 JPEG压缩和解压缩原理    5
3.1 JPEG压缩过程    5
3.2 JPEG解压缩    8
4预处理    8
5深度学习与卷积神经网络    10
5.1 深度学习的发展    10
5.2 卷积神经网络    11
6模型搭建    15
7实验结果及分析    16
7.1构造中值滤波样本库    16
7.2预处理实现    17
7.3训练网络模型    18
7.4 实验结果    19
8总结与展望    20
8.1全文总结    20
8.2未来展望    20
参考文献    21
