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关键词:互联网+  知识图谱文献计量

Internet + Research Evolution and Hotspot Analysis
At present, we are in the era of rapid development of information, high-speed information dissemination, the convenience of life is thanks to the rapid development of the Internet, but at the same time some of the traditional industries are gradually declining, "Internet +" mode is to Internet and traditional industries to integrate, reform, innovation. The purpose of this paper is to sort out the literature of "Internet +" since the emergence of the literature, from the number of documents, content, author, research level, research institutions in-depth analysis. In this paper, we select the core journals with "Internet +" as the key words in CNKI, and use the method of bibliometrics to analyze and analyze the data as the theoretical basis. Using CiteSpace  software to analyze the literature data and get the visual map, the first is through the words of the word production of high-frequency keyword map, used to show in recent years, "Internet +" development focus; followed by The time of publication of the literature produces a time zone map, revealing the stage characteristics of the development of the field. Through these graphics, combing its development context, in-depth analysis of research content and impact.Then, the analysis of subject distribution, core journals and marginal journals, combing the development of the field of interdisciplinary overview; from the fund, research institutions to reveal the background of the background strength and development potential. Finally, the "Internet +" the future development of a reasonable discussion. Through the literature analysis to study the evolution process and the law, to explore the future trend of the field changes for the "Internet +" in different areas of research to provide an important theoretical basis.

Key words: Internet +; Knowledge map; Literature metrology

摘要    I
第一章绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究内容    2
1.3研究意义    3
1.4研究方法与思路    3
第二章国内文献计量分析    5
2.1 文献量分析    5
2.2文献基金分析    6
2.3 文献研究层次分析    7
2.4 文献被引分析    8
第三章互联网+的研究热点    10
3.1  研究热点的内容分布    10
3.2  研究热点的时间分布    11
第四章互联网+的研究流派    13
4.1 跨学科概貌    13
4.1.1学科总体情况    13
4.1.2排名前十的学科概况    14
4.2 期刊分析    15
4.2.1期刊载文量分析    15
4.2.2核心期刊和边缘性期刊分析    16
4.3 作者统计分析    17
4.3.1一般情况分析    17
4.3.2核心作者分析    19
4.4研究机构分析    20
4.4.1一般情况分析    20
4.4.2研究机构文献与被引频次的关系    21
第五章互联网+的发展趋势研究    23
5.1互联网+研究的数量趋稳    23
5.2互联网+研究需要学科加速融合    23
5.3互联网+的应用范围不断拓宽    24
总结和展望    25
参考文献    26
致谢    30
