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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D25830 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D25830
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本文介绍了学生针对目前大多数毕业生与导师所使用的毕业设计与论文管理平台功能与开发实现,以及自己的一些见解与功能的优化,尽可能的减少人工操作,让更多的操由系统自己完成,将系统的运行使用从人工向半人工推进,尽可能做到全自动化,开发平台是借用当下较为实用的.Net,通过visual studio与server2008对界面进行设计以及对数据库的设计,关于这个系统,主要的研究内容为:
基于.Net框架的设计,通过visual studio设计了针对不同用户的多个不同界面与功能,实现了一整套的从毕设开始阶段到毕设结束阶段的功能实现,主要解决了师生信息与文件交互,答辩管理以及数据管理等多方面问题。
关键词:MVC框架;sql server数据库;visual studio网页设计;毕业设计与论文管理

Design and development of undergraduate graduation project and thesis management platformFrom offline, therefore, graduation design and thesis work into online related work is particularly important, graduation design and thesis management for a coming out of college, and to guide the teacher is particularly important, need to college students and teachers together to face and solve, so to the requirement of the management system is also constantly get higher, need high quality, high fit,An efficient platform to accomplish this task.
This paper introduces the students according to the present most of the graduates and tutor of graduation design and thesis management functions and development platform, and some of their insights and function optimization, as far as possible to reduce manual operation, get more exercise done by the system itself, the operation of the system using from artificial to half, as far as possible do fully automated,The development platform is borrowed from the current more practical.NET, through Visual Studio and Server2008 to design the interface and database design, about this system, the main research content is:
 NET framework based design, through Visual Studio design for different users of a number of different interfaces and functions, to achieve a set of from the beginning of the project to the end of the project to achieve a set of functions, mainly to solve the teachers and students information and document interaction, defense management and data management and other problems.
Key words: The MVC framework;SQL Server Database;Visual Studio web design;Graduation design and thesis management;ASP.NET

1 绪论    1
1.1 研究的背景与意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状及其发展    1
1.3论文的组织安排    2
1.4探究的主要目标实现    2
2 本科生毕业设计与论文管理系统相关理论与技术概述    3
2.1 MVC运用概述    3
2.2 本科生毕业设计与论文管理系统功能概述    3
2.3 系统运行环境    4
3 需求分析    5
3.1 可行性分析    5
3.1.1  技术可行性    5
3.1.2  经济可行性    5
3.1.3  操作可行性    5
3.2 系统流程图    5
3.2.1  教材管理流程    5
3.2.2  本科生毕业设计与论文管理系统流程图    6
3.3 用户关系图    7
3.4 功能模块    10
3.5 数据库的概念结构设计    14
3.5.1  数据库的概念结构设计    14
3.5.2  表逻辑结构设计    18
4 系统功能    23
4.1 系统结构    23
4.2 功能模块设计    24
4.2.1  主界面    24
4.2.2  本科生功能    25
4.2.3  指导教师    33
4.2.4  专业秘书    39
4.2.5  专业负责人    41
4.2.6  学院管理员:    44
5 系统测试    50
5.1 测试过程    50
5.2 测试总结    54
5.3 测试总结    55
6 结论    56
致谢    57
参考文献    58
