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With the rapid development of bioinformatics, high-throughput sequencing technology has become the main aspect. because of the data explosion, how to store and manage these data and then use them for calculation and analysis will become a problem. The purpose of this paper is to design a hybrid cloud storage and management application, which will be used to store and manage high-throughput biological data for providing a good foundation to their analysis and calculation.
The functions of the platform including the basic file upload, download, import, export,move, rename and other commonly used operations.And file sharing, file annotation, and other functions of bioinformatic. In the aspect of hybrid cloud storage, the platform uses virtualization technology to optimize the storage stability. RAID is used to secure private cloud, and the public cloud use the BOS with same scheme to private cloud,which is convenient for migrating of data during the clouds. At the same time,this platform will monitor all users' operation by logs, which is always aware of the changes of data.

Key Words:cloud platform; hybrid cloud; High-throughput file management; cloudstorage;cloud monitoring

第1章 绪论    1
1.1 背景介绍    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 课题研究内容    2
1.4 论文组织结构    3
第2章 系统逻辑架构    4
2.1 文件操作模块    4
2.1.1 逻辑功能设计图    4
2.1.2 文件记录数据库设计    4
2.1.3 文件相关操作执行逻辑说明    5
2.2 用户操作及界面模块    7
2.2.1 逻辑功能设计图    7
2.2.2 用户操作介绍    7
2.3 管理员操作及界面模块    8
2.3.1 逻辑功能设计图    8
2.3.2 管理员操作介绍    9
2.4 日志监控模块    10
2.4.1 逻辑功能设计图    10
2.4.2 日志记录    10
2.4.3 日志查询    11
2.5 系统部署模式    12
第3章 混合云存储模式    13
3.1 存储虚拟化    13
3.2 服务器存储(私有云)    15
3.2.1 文件上传及下载    15
3.2.2 文件中转站    15
3.3 BOS存储(公有云)    17
3.3.1 迎合私有云的BOS存储    17
3.3.2 文件上传及下载    18
3.4 云间交互    19
第4章 文件注释    20
4.1 新增注释类型    21
4.2 文件注释修改及删除    22
4.3 文件注释检索    23
第5章 文件分享    25
5.1 分享文件及分享状态更新    25
5.2 分享文件下载、备注、复制及删除    26
第6章 系统功能界面展示    30
6.1 文件操作模块    30
6.2 用户操作及界面模块    35
6.3 管理员操作及界面模块    37
6.4 日志监控模块    38
第7章 结论与展望    40
7.1 结论    40
7.2 展望    40
参考文献    42
致谢    43
