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WEB based data structure and algorithm dynamic demonstration
The dynamic presentation of "data structure and algorithm" plays an important role in learning data structure algorithm. Traditional web animation demonstration relies on FLASH plugin, while HTML5 can draw directly on web page, and provides a new method for dynamic demonstration of data structure algorithm The
The system mainly uses HTML5 canvas elements can be directly on the page drawing method, the use of JavaScript language to develop the system. The system has the advantages of simple operation, interactive flexibility, intuitive animation presentation and so on.
This paper is divided into three blocks, including software requirements, software design and implementation, and software testing. The demand of the software is mainly for the data structure algorithm dynamic demonstration system design of the overall framework and the whole system module to do a detailed description. The design and implementation of the software mainly introduces the interface design and the realization method of the system. The final software test mainly discusses the use cases of some test software functions in the software development process.
Key words: HTML5 ;animation demonstration ;data structure and algorithm
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
1.1 选题背景和意义 1
1.2 选题目的 1
1.3 开发工具 1
1.4相关技术简介 2
第二章软件需求分析 3
2.1 系统可行性分析 3
2.2 系统功能需求 4
2.3 系统功能模块划分 5
2.3.1 主界面信息配置 5
2.3.2 动画管理 6
2.4 功能模块描述 8
2.4.1 算法控制功能 8
2.4.2 动画演示功能 9
2.4.3 动画控制功能 10
2.4.4代码演示功能 10
2.5 系统的性能需求 11
2.6 系统非功能需求 11
第三章软件设计与实现 13
3.1软件体系结构 13
3.2 类设计 13
3.3界面设计 15
3.3.1主界面设计 15
3.3.2数据结构算法动态演示页面设计 18
3.4功能实现 22
3.4.1主要功能实现 22
3.4.2动画演示功能实现 23
3.4.3算法动画控制功能实现 24
3.4.4 启用和禁用UI功能实现 25
3.4.5复位功能实现 26
3.4.6 最终功能实现 26
第四章 软件测试 27
4.1测试方案及目的 27
4.2测试用例及结果 27
第五章总结与思考 32
参考文献 35