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摘  要
关爱地球保护环境是每个人的义务和责任,自然环境受到污染和破坏那人类也就要灭亡;对污染和破坏环境的要严格打击和综合治理,创造出适合于人类和各种生物的绿色生活环境、 人类是万物的主导者,希望我们每一个人肩负起保护环境的责任,爱护自己的家园。 保护环境是人类有意识地保护自然资源并使其得到合理的利用,防止自然环境受到污染和破坏;对受到污染和破坏的环境做好综合的治理,以创造出适合于人类生活、工作的环境,协调人与自然的关系,让人们做到与自然和谐相处的概念。 节能减排 你我同行地球孕育了人类,人类也在不断地改造地球。人类的发展史,归根结底是人类艰苦奋斗的创业史。在创业过程中,人们利用各种能源赖以生存,同时也给他们带来了不同程度的破坏。由于人类的无知和过渡地索取,已经对大自然也就是地球造成了无法弥补的伤害,大自然靠自己是很难康复的,因此关爱地球保护环境迫在眉睫。

Protect the earth's environment love is everyone's duty and responsibility, the natural environment by pollution and destruction that mankind will perish; on the pollution and destruction of the environment to strictly strike and comprehensive management, to create a suitable for a variety of human and biological green living environment, human beings are dominant in all things, I hope every one of us shoulder the responsibility to protect environment, protect their homes. Protect environment is the human consciousness to protect the natural resources and reasonable use, to prevent the natural environmental pollution and destruction; to do comprehensive management of pollution and damage to the environment, in order to create suitable for human living, working environment, coordinating the relationship between man and nature, let people be in harmony with nature the concept of. Energy-saving emission reduction, I accompanied you earth human, human is in constant transformation of the earth. The history of human development, in the final analysis is the human history of the pioneering work hard and perseveringly. In the course of business, people use various energy to survive, but also brought varying degrees of damage to them. Because of human ignorance and transitional claims, has the nature also is our earth caused irreparable harm, nature is very difficult to recover on their own, thus protecting the earth's environment for imminent.
Key words: Public service advertising; 3D animation; the earth;


前 言    2
1 绪论    3
1.1  保护森林资源公益广告现状    3
1.2保护森林资源公益广告意义    4
2 剧本    5
2.1构思    5
2.2 创意    5
2.3 公益广告环境保护设计的具体要素    6
2.4制作流程    6
2.5 公益广告的基本特征    6
2.5.1 环境保护社会责任性    6
2.5.2 环境保护教育引导性。    7
2.5.3 环境保护受众的广泛性。    7
2.4 结论    7
3 流程设计    8
4 分镜设计    9
4.1 文字分镜(保护森林)    9
4.2 手绘故事板(保护森林)    11
4.3 试听语言分析    12
5 动画设计稿    13
5.1 角色设计稿    13
5.2 场景设计稿    13
6 技术分析    15
6.1 模型制作    15
6.1.1角色建模    15
6.1.2场景建模    16
6.2 材质贴图    16
6.3 骨骼绑定    17
6.4 动画设计制作    17
6.5 灯光与镜头    18
6.6 渲染输出    18
6.7 后期制作    19
6.8 音乐、音效处理及渲染输出    19
结语    20
参考文献    20
致 谢    21
