摘 要
深圳信隆实业股份有限公司成立于1991年,系台湾信隆车料工业服份有限公司所创立之独资企业,是全球最大的自行车车把立管、座管、避震前叉等的专业制造厂商。该项目实施系统功能范围包括MM / PP / SD / FI / CO五个标准模块。全程参与了车手事业部、前叉事业部、运动器材事业部、康复器材事业部、健康科技事业部、协益事业部,6个事业部的SAP项目。针对CO模块的相关ABAP开发。
关键词:SAP R/3,ABAP二次开发,CO管理会计,ALV报表
HL CORP (SHENZHEN) is founded in Oct. 1991, and a foreign invested entity authorized by the Commercial Ministry of the P.R. of China. HL Corp specializes in the development, production, and distribution of sports/fitness equipments, health-care products and bicycle parts including handle bars, stems, seat posts, front suspension forks, etc .the main function area of the project implementation include MM, PP, SD, FI, CO. In the whole process,participating in Driver Division,Front fork Division,Sport Equipment Division,Rehabilitation Equiptment Division,Heath Technology Division,XieYi Division in all, SAP program of six divisions.The main job is about system developing of CO module.
ABAP second development is used to make standard solving project be seasoned with client's especial request, This made up for SAP the inadequacy of the standard procedures, more in line with the business needs and circumstances, HLCORP program SAP CO module system development support the demand of user in CO module to do the second development.it is aim at the business of the company operating the actual situation,extend the SAP standard function to content the especial request of user.
This report display the statistic of the generant stuff cost and manpower cost in a period of HLCORP. This report have two unattached part ,stuff cost and manpower cost ,and can select them by oneself , then display by ALV. Stuff cost and manpower cost have different logic so I use two form to select them.
Key words: SAP R/3 , ABAP second development , CO module , ALV report
目 录
任务书 I
摘 要 II
目 录 IV
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 SAP简介 1
1.2 SAP R/3 系统 1
1.3 信隆SAP项目涉及模块介绍 1
1.3.1 MM:物料管理 1
1.3.2 PP:生产计划 1
1.3.3 SD:销售与分销 2
1.3.4 FI:财务会计 2
1.3.5 CO:管理会计 2
1.4 信隆项目开发流程 2
第2章 信隆SAP项目CO模块基本流程 4
2.1 利润中心、成本中心维护作业规定 4
2.2 成本要素维护作业规定 4
2.3 统计指标维护作业规定 5
2.4 作业类型维护作业规定 5
2.5 分摊分配维护作业规定 5
2.6 成本费用归集与分摊分配作业规定 6
2.7 物料成本估算作业规定(主要是锻造品) 6
2.8 生产成本订单的成本核算作业规定(CO月结) 6
2.9 物料期间的更改 7
第3章 针对CO模块的ABAP程序开发 8
3.1 功能描述 8
3.2 程序总体逻辑 8
3.3 程序逻辑具体分析 9
3.3.1输出界面 9
3.3.2查询屏幕界面设计 9
3.3.3料费标准产出详细逻辑分析 11
3.3.4工费标准产出详细逻辑分析 15
3.4程序代码特殊部分详解(程序主体代码见附录) 17
第4章 程序优化以及代码编写规范 21
4.1 程序优化 21
4.2 代码编写规范 21
4.2.1程序注释 22
4.2.2 结构化和模块化 22
第五章 结论 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 25
附 录 26 |