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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16522 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16522
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关键词:供给侧 进出口商品 改革策略

 along with the vigorous development of all walks of life in our country, our country's economic level has been improved, compared to before have a qualitative leap. But in order to the stable development of national economy, we must reform the supply side. On the supply side of the reform, the import and export, consumption also appeared a lot of insufficient to be solved, must immediately to import and export commodity structure of effective adjustment and optimization. This paper mainly discusses the import and export commodities under the reform of the supply side, the specific problems to clarify the relationship between them, and less attractive for import and export goods, such as insufficient good policy solutions are put forward.
Keywords: import and export commodity supply side Reform strategy

一、绪论    1
(一)供给侧的定义    1
(二)消费品定义    1
二、  进口消费品的消费现状调查    1
三、现状调查分析供给侧改革存在的问题    2
四、中国进出口商品缺乏吸引力的问题    2
(一)出口商品结构存在的主要问题    2
1.劳动密集型产品竞争力下降    2
2.产品深加工不足,附加值低    3
3.具有国际品牌产品比重较低    3
(二)进口商品技术上的主要问题    3
1.先进技术装备过度依赖进口    3
2.高精尖技术的进口受到少数发达国家的限制    3
五、在供给侧改革的背景下进口商品的问题解决对策    4
(一)关于调整商品结构的战略路径    4
1.增加传统产品的技术含量,提高其附加值    4
2.积极开发高新技术产品,使其成为的战略产品    4
3.将劳动密集型产品转移到劳动力成本更低的地区    4
(二)关于调整进口商品结构的战略路径    4
1.加大对高科技含量产品的进口    4
2.力争部分进口产品实现本土生产    5
3.加快进口的多元化,以保持经济的持续稳定增长    5
(三)保障进口商品调整的政策措施    5
1.加大金融结构调整和支持力度    5
2.加强国际之间互惠合作发展战略    5
结束语    6
参考文献    7
