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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16595 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16595
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摘  要

【关键词】金融发展; 农民消费; 消费水平

Since the reform and opening up, the consumption level of our residents has been significantly improved, which has played an important role in promoting sustained and rapid economic growth. However, compared with the developed countries, China's consumer consumption is still a big problem: the specific performance of urban and rural residents income imbalance, the level of consumption gap, the consumption environment is not perfect and so on. This shows that China's rural residents consumption level is low, need to be improved. Rural finance, as an important capital factor in the development of rural economy, has played an important role in promoting rural economic development. Changes in financial system and changes in financial variables have a positive impact on the consumption level and consumption structure of rural residents. Therefore, the development of rural finance in the context of insufficient consumption of rural residents should be an important way to promote the development of rural consumption, and the theoretical discussion of this problem also has important practical significance. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the background of the topic and the significance of the study. The second part of the financial development affects the principle of farmers' consumption. From the increase in farmers 'income, reduce the incentive to prevent savings, improve the consumption environment, tap the potential of consumption four aspects of how financial development affects farmers' consumption. The third part of the financial development and the analysis of farmers' consumption. Respectively, the status of China's financial development, as well as the analysis of the status of farmers' consumption. The fourth part of the empirical analysis, the use of multiple regression analysis of China's financial development and the relationship between the consumption of farmers to analyze. The fifth part summarizes and suggests. Summarize the conclusion of this paper, and put forward the proposal of developing rural finance and promoting the growth of peasants' consumption level.It is hoped that the research of the paper can promote the growth of farmers' consumption level in China.

【Key Words】Financial development; farmers' consumption; consumption level
目  录
第1章 绪论    1
第2章   基本概念及理论    2
2.1 基本概念    2
2.1.1金融发展    2
2.1.2居民消费    2
2.2金融发展对农民消费影响的原理    2
2.2.1通过增加收入提高居民消费能力    2
2.2.2降低预防性储蓄动机,促进居民消费    3
2.2.3改善消费环境,促进居民消费    3
2.2.4挖掘潜在购买力,促进居民消费    4
第3章 金融发展与农民消费现状分析    5
3.1农村金融发展现状分析    5
3.2农民消费发展现状分析    6
第4章  实证分析    8
4.1模型的设定与相关数据的收集    8
4.1.1模型的设定    8
4.1.2相关数据的收集    8
4.2模型建立及检验    9
第5章 结论与建议    11
5.1结论    11
5.2建议    11
5.2.1“明确定位”加大金融支持    11
5.2.2推出适合农村需求的信贷产品    11
参考文献    13
致  谢    14
