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英文题目:The Impact of Regulatory Restraints on the Development of Interbank Assets in Commercial Banks: An Empirical Study Based on 15 Listed Banks   

Abstract: Based on the theory that how the capital adequacy condition, asset quality and liquidity influencing the development of Chinese commercial banks’ interbank assets, combined with relevant statistical data from 2010 to 2015, the article will make the empirical analysis. The result of the empirical analysis shows that the larger the capital adequacy ratio is, the larger the interbank assets accounting are; the looser the regulatory policy is, the larger the interbank assets accounting are. In addition, there is a positive correlation between the interbank assets accounting of large banks and provision coverage. On the basis of the conclusion, the article will give some feasible suggestions to promote the development of banks’ interbank business to be more and more healthy and stable.
Keywords: interbank assets; financial regulation; development situation

目  录
一、    引言    1
二、    文献综述    1
(一)国外研究现状    1
(二)国内研究现状    2
三、    监管约束下商业银行同业资产发展的理论分析    3
(一)资本充足状况    4
(二)资产质量    4
(三)存贷利差    4
(四)流动性    4
(五)监管政策变化    5
(六)其他因素    5
四、    监管约束下商业银行同业资产发展的实证分析    5
(一)模型设立及变量的定义    5
(二)样本数据的描述性统计    7
(三)多元回归模型数据分析    8
五、    结论和建议    10
(一)结论    10
(二)建议    11
参考文献    12
