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Cross-strait cooperation in financial regulation in the New Political Economy Perspective
With the stable development of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan cross-strait economic and trade, in recent years the development of cross-strait financial cooperation is relatively rapid. But it is worth our attention is that the cross-strait financial security and stability of the unfavorable factors prominent, cross-strait financial supervision and cooperation has become an urgent need to address important issues in the development of cross-strait financial cooperation. In this paper, the status quo of cross-strait economic and trade, financial cooperation under the new political science perspective, the main factors of the cross-strait financial cooperation, and to promote cross-strait cooperation in financial regulation countermeasures to expand comprehensive discussion on cross-strait cooperation in financial regulation, hope to be able to promote cross-strait financial cooperation the development of some theoretical support.
关键词:政治经济学 海峡两岸 金融监管 影响因素 对策
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、两岸经贸、金融合作现状的分析 1
(一)两岸经贸合作的现状 1
(二)两岸金融监管合作的现状 2
二、影响两岸金融监管合作的主要因素分析 2
(一)影响两岸金融监管合作的经济因素分析 2
1、两岸经贸与投资关系 2
2、两岸金融合作 3
3、两岸的经济发展与金融体制 3
(二)影响两岸金融监管合作的政治因素分析 3
1、国家和平统一的政治意义与台湾主权独立性 3
2、金融稳定对政治稳定的影响 4
3、两岸政治体制的差异性 4
三、促进两岸金融监管合作发展的对策 4
(一)进一步加强两岸经贸关系与金融合作 4
(二)完善两岸政治磋商机制和互信机制 4
(三)建立两岸金融监管合作的统一协调组织和长效机制 5
(四)借鉴国际经验,保持当前两岸金融当局独立性 5
总结 5
参考文献 6 |