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摘 要:随着建设社会主义新农村的呼声不断加大,服务三农的呼声越来越高,我国商业性小额信贷公司在近年来的发展过程中不可避免的出现了多种漏洞和风险,值得我国政府和经济管理部门通过各种手段加以防范和完善,本文着力研究小额信贷公司出现了何种风险以及出现这些风险的原因,并最终寻求进行风险控制的方法。
The Risk Control Study of Our Commercial Microfinance Company
Abstract:With the construction of new socialist countryside, the voice for increasing agriculture service is getting louder. However, in the process of the development of microfinance, our commercial microfinance company facing many loopholes and risks unavoidable. This phenomenon is worthy of our government and economic management department to prevented and perfected though various measures. Based on the study of microfinance companies and seek for the reasons, and ultimately seeks to control risks.
Key words:microfinance; risk; reason; supervision