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摘 要
At the same time the world's largest toy producer and exporter, the production of toys are mostly for export. Toy exports has been the leading exports of light industry products, constitute one of China's major commodity exports.
China's toy industry product mix line with the international market demand. At present in Europe and the United States and other developed countries, 50 per cent of the toy market has been adult toys, high-tech electrical toys and intellectual development of education, such as science and technology content and high value-added toys occupy. China's export products and toys still dolls, stuffed toys, and other scientific and technological content and relatively low value-added traditional toys. Due to the lack of cross-industry complex design talents; animation, games and other leading industry is still in the embryonic stage, and other factors, China's toy industry innovation inadequate capacity, slow structural adjustment, the overall growth weak.
Key words: toys; export international market
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