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摘 要:2008年上半年,金融危机由美国开始向全球蔓延,给中国的对外直接投资带来了巨大的冲击。如何在金融危机的冲击下保持国有企业海外投资(并购)的良好态势,并且使其进一步发展壮大。对于我国国有企业扩大对外直接投资,加强国家对外经济联系,促进我国国民经济发展,提升我国在国际经济上的地位具有重要意义。
Study on Overseas Investment of State-owned Enterprises
Abstract: From January to June in the 2008, the financial crisis began to spread by the American global. It brings the huge impact to Chinese foreign direct investment How to keep the overseas investment (m&a) of state-owned enterprises in a good situation and make a better further development under such a impact of the financial crisis. It is significant to promote the position of our country’s state-owned enterprises in the international economy, not only in expand outward foreign direct investment, but also strengthen national foreign economic relations.
Key worlds: State-owned Enterprises; Overseas Investment