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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26695 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26695
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摘  要
关键词:单片机    电阻测量    电容测量    电感测量

The design of the RLC parameter measurement instrument
  In this paper, the significance and development trend of the RLC parameter measuring instrument are introduced, and the main technical principles are introduced. RLC parameter measuring instrument is to measure the parameters of RLC through the peripheral circuit, and then send the signal to the scm. Its principle is will measure the resistance and capacitance value, the electric inductance values change is transformed into the frequency, resistance and capacitance is transformed by RC oscillatory circuit inductor is transformed by three point capacitance circuit, then the counter frequency measurement by single chip microcomputer to do operation, measured element type can through the button selection, finally calculate the unmeasured component parameters and displayed in the 1602 LCD screen. RLC parameter measuring instrument has the advantages of convenient, accurate, simple operation, small size, easy to carry, and so on. It is designed to make use of analog circuits, digital circuits, and related SCM knowledge.
Key words:STC89C52 single chip; resistor measuring; capacitance measuring ;inductance measurement


目 录
RLC参数测量仪的设计    I
摘  要    I
The design of the RLC parameter measurement instrument    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景和目的    1
1.2发展现状和趋势    1
1.3主要原理和技术    2
1.4设计任务    2
第二章 设计方案的比较    3
2.1RLC参数测试仪设计方案的比较    3
2.2 测量RLC单元电路的方案比较    4
2.2.1电阻测量方案    4
2.2.2电容测量方案    5
2.2.3电感测量方案    7
第三章 设计思路和单元电路的设计    9
3.1设计思路    9
3.2单元电路的设计    9
3.2.1测Rx电路设计    9
3.2.2测Cx电路设计    10
3.2.3测Lx电路设计    11
3.2.4控制电路的设计    12
3.2.5显示电路的设计    13
3.2.6按键电路的设计    15
3.2.7报警电路的设计    15
第四章 软件设计和仿真调试    16
4.1主程序设计    16
4.2 R键功能设计    17
4.3报警子程序设计    18
4.4电路仿真    19
4.4.1测量电阻时局部电路仿真输出波形    19
4.4.2测量电容时局部电路仿真输出波形:    20
4.4.3测量电感时局部电路仿真输出波形:    20
4.5测量电阻的仿真    20
4.6测量电容的仿真    21
4.7 测量电感的仿真    22
4.8仿真数据    23
4.9硬件调试    24
4.9.1测量电阻    24
4.9.2测量电容    25
4.9.3测量电感    25
4.9.4数据采集    26
4.10总结    27
参考文献    29
致谢    31
附录 :程序代码    32
