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关键词:环境参数 蓝牙技术 单片机 实时监测 无线传输
Design of campus environmental monitoring system
The campus environment in environmental parameters monitoring areintroduced.First of all, it explains current environmental issues, and introduces the technology and methods of monitoring. Then it gives the overall design ideas, the sensor and the principle of the measurement parameters are described. Then the refinement of the circuit function blocks, the specific details of the functional circuit of the principle of the circuit. Then the communication protocol and instruction set of Bluetooth module is introduced briefly, and the realization method of the matching between single chip microcomputer and mobile phone is introduced. Finally, some difficulties in the process of the program and debugging process are explained. The full articletakes the SCM as the center, the environmental noise, light, air pressure and temperature and humidity to monitor. The integrated sensor not only simplifies the circuit, but also ensures the real-time performance of the measurement results. The additional Bluetooth function allows the data to be transmitted over the wireless, increasing the convenience of design.
Key Words: Environment parameter;Bluetooth technology;SCM;Real-time monitoring;Wireless transmission
摘要 I
第一章绪论 1
1.1 环境监测的背景 1
1.2 环境监测的现状与发展 1
1.3环境监测技术介绍 2
1.4 环境监测的目的及应用 3
第二章系统总体设计思路 4
2.1 设计内容 4
2.2总体设计思路 4
2.3总体设计框图 5
第三章传感器选择与原理 7
3.1声音传感器 7
3.2光照传感器 7
3.3气压传感器 7
3.4温湿度一体传感器 8
第四章单元电路设计 9
4.1声音采样电路设计 9
4.2光照采样电路设计 10
4.3气压采样电路设计 12
4.4温湿度采样电路设计 15
4.5单片机控制电路设计 16
4.6按键选择电路设计 18
4.7显示电路设计 19
4.8报警电路设计 21
4.9无线传输电路设计 22
4.10总体电路图设计 22
第五章蓝牙模块使用及通讯协议 24
5.1蓝牙模块在设计中的作用 24
5.2蓝牙模块HC-05的使用 24
5.3蓝牙协议 25
第六章软件设计 27
6.1软件设计环境 27
6.2程序设计思路及流程图 27
6.3传感器初始化 28
6.4采样读取数据 28
6.5液晶屏显示 29
6.6A/D转换 29
6.7串口通信 30
第七章调试过程 31
7.1硬件调试 31
7.2噪声划分 31
7.3数据分析 32
7.4电源供电 33
7.5延时程序调试 33
7.6手机蓝牙调试 34
7.7最终功能演示 34
参考文献 36
致谢 38
附录 39