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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27878 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27878
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激光测距系统是使用激光作为光源,依靠测量激光发射与接收时间来确定与目标距离的测距系统,它有测量速度快、精度高和使用方便等优点,在军事和民用等领域都有广泛的应用。本文使用EDA技术,以Quartus II为平台,使用硬件描述语言VHDL设计一款工业用激光测距系统。整个系统由按键控制模块、传感检测模块、核心控制模块和显示模块构成。按键控制模块主要完成与用户之间的交互功能,传感检测模块发射激光、接收回波信号然后产生对后续模块的控制指令,核心控制模块实现计数和距离计算的功能,显示模块将距离结果使用动态扫描的方式进行显示。本文经过原理设计、仿真调试和优化改进之后,成功设计出能够对五十米内目标精确测距的激光测距系统。

Laser ranging system is a distance measuring system which uses laser as light source and depends on measuring laser emission and receiving time. It has many advantages, such as fast speed, high precision and easy to use. It is widely used in military and civil fields. In this paper, we use Quartus II as the platform and design an industrial laser ranging system using the hardware description language VHDL. The whole system is composed of key control module, sensor detection module, core control module and display module. The key control module mainly completes the interactive function with the user. The sensing detection module launches the laser, receives the echo signal and produces the control instruction to the follow-up module. The core control module realizes the function of counting and calculating the distance. The display module displays the distance result using the dynamic scanning mode. After the principle design, simulation debugging and optimization improvement, a laser ranging system capable of accurately locating the target within fifty meters is successfully designed.
Keywords:laser ranging; Modularization; EDA


第1章绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
第2章系统结构与方案设计    3
2.1系统结构    3
2.2方案设计    4
2.2.1测距方案    4
2.2.2显示方案    4
2.2.3软件选择    5
2.2.4语言选择    5
2.3小结    6
第3章系统设计    7
3.1传感检测模块    7
3.2按键控制模块    9
3.3核心控制模块    10
3.4显示模块    13
3.5系统仿真    15
3.6小结    18
第4章总结与展望    19
4.1总结    19
4.2展望    19
参考文献    20
致谢    21
附录A激光测距系统程序    22
