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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21186 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21186
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摘  要


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of 2011, the number of people with hearing impairment in the world reached 360 million. With the rapid spread of smartphones in recent years and the deepening of daily life, people are increasingly using headphones. Frequently, the risk of hearing impairment is getting higher and higher. As a country with a large population, about 150 million people suffer from hearing impairment. The total number of hearing disabilities in the elderly over 60 years old is more than 20 million. It is the country with the largest number of hearing impairments in the world. Considering that most speech impediments can communicate basicly through dummy language, and mute gestures become the main communication method, this topic intends to provide a speech-to-gesture conversion method, which displays gesture images through speech recognition, and provides language barrier-free and Convenient assistance is provided between the communication of the disabled. Nowadays, many companies have invested a lot of money in the research of speech recognition technology. The intention is not only to improve the original algorithm, but also to gradually remove the keyboard control from the new product and use the voice command as the control signal. Systems, consumer electronics systems, smart homes, etc. have been widely used and have broad prospects for development.
The main goal of this design is to implement an FPGA-based speech-to-gesture conversion system. In the steps, the speech recognition training of isolated words is first needed to establish an acoustic model of isolated words, and then the gesture corresponding to the isolated words is taken according to the gesture image provided by "Chinese Sign Language", and converted into a binary file, and finally isolated by the FPGA platform. The conversion process of the word from the recording to the recognition to the output display corresponding gesture image. In detail, the acoustic recognition model based on the hidden Markov model is used to train the acoustic model, and the trained model and binary gesture image are stored in the SDRAM of the FPGA. Then the Verilog HDL hardware description language is used to design the basic logic of the system. The unit performs the voice-to-image conversion function and performs display on the liquid crystal screen to complete the gesture speech to image conversion.

Keywords: speech to gesture conversion, FPGA, HMM



目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目  录    III
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 SOPC 技术    1
1.2.1 SOPC 简介    1
1.2.2 FPGA 简介    2
1.3 主要工作    2
1.4 论文主要内容安排    2
第2章语音识别原理    4
2.1 基本原理    4
2.2 语音信号的特征提取    5
2.2.1 线性预测分析    5
2.2.2 倒谱分析    6
2.3 模版匹配    7
2.3.1 动态时间规整    7
2.3.2 人工神经网络    7
2.3.3 隐马尔可夫模型    8
2.4 基于HMM的训练和识别算法    8
2.4.1 Baum-Welch 算法    8
2.4.2 Viterbi算法    10
2.5 HTK 工具箱    10
2.5.1 HTK 软件结构    11
2.5.2 孤立词训练和识别    11
2.6 本章小结    13
第3章系统整体设计    15
3.1 FPGA设计基础    15
3.1.1 FPGA 简介及开发流程    15
3.1.2 FPGA 硬件开发板简介    17
3.2 系统整体架构设计    18
3.3 FPGA中各功能模块的设计    19
3.3.1 语音采集模块    19
3.3.2 存储系统设计    21
3.3.3 NIOS II 程序控制模块    22
3.3.4 液晶显示模块    25
3.4 本章小结    26
第4章系统整体实现    27
4.1 系统整体框图    27
4.2 性能分析    28
4.2.1 系统资源利用    28
4.2.2 系统运行速度    29
4.3 系统功能测试    31
4.4 本章小结    33
第5章 总结    34
参考文献    35
致  谢    38
