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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21194 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21194
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Realization of Digital Handwritten Image Recognition by Convolution Neural Network
Abstract:Digital handwriting image recognition is a hot topic in recent years, with a wide range of application prospects, but also a very challenging subject. With the emergence of computer and the development of artificial intelligence, pattern recognition quickly developed into a discipline. The theory and method of its research have been paid more and more attention in many disciplines and fields, which promoted the development of artificial intelligence system and expanded the possibility of computer application. Convolution neural network is a pattern recognition method combining deep learning theory with artificial neural network in recent years. It has become one of the research hotspots in image recognition.
Based on the basic concepts and algorithms of convolution neural network, this paper studies the convolution neural network theory and develops digital handwritten image recognition. Using the caffe software package to achieve MNIST database digital handwriting image recognition, write the appropriate interface to read the digital image for processing. The main work of the paper is as follows:
(1) This paper studies and summarizes the research status of artificial neural network and convolution neural network both at home and abroad, and introduces the basic concepts and principles of convolution neural network. It also analyzes some advantages and disadvantages of convolution neural network.
(2) The traditional convolution neural network is applied to the study of handwritten numeral recognition. In this paper, the active sample learning method is used to construct the effective training set, and the caffe software package is installed under the windows system. And learn through the caffe package to train digital handwritten images in the MNIST database. And through Matlab programming interface and procedures, to read digital images and identify digital handwritten images.
Keywords: Convolution neural network; Artificial neural network; Image recognition;  Handwritten digital recognition;  Pattern recognition;


目  录
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 卷积神经网络研究现状    1
1.2 图像识别    1
1.2.1 模式识别与图像识别    1
1.2.2 图像识别的应用    2
1.3 手写数字识别    3
1.3.1 手写数字识别的技术现状    3
1.3.2 手写数字识别的一般方法    3
1.4 手写数字系统的概述    4
1.5 本文内容安排    5
第二章 卷积神经网络    5
2.1 神经网络    5
2.1.1 神经网络的概述    5
2.1.2 神经网络的模型结构    6
2.1.3 神经网络的学习方法    7
2.2 卷积神经网络    8
2.2.1 卷积神经网络的概述    8
2.2.2 卷积神经网络的模型    8
2.2.3 卷积神经网络的架构    9
第三章 MNIST数据集的训练    9
3.1 caffe搭建环境    9
3.2 MNIST数据集的训练    12
3.2.1  LeNet:MNIST分类模型的介绍    12
3.2.2 MNIST数据集的训练与测试    13
第四章 手写数字体图像的识别    14
4.1 数字手写体图像的输入    14
4.2 图像预处理    15
4.2.1 二值化    15
4.2.2归一化    16
4.3 特征提取    16
4.3 系统流程图以及大致工作    17
4.4实验结果    18
第五章 总结与展望    20
5.1 全文总结    20
5.2 未来展望    20
参考文献    22
致谢    24
