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Development and design of automatic test system for the efficiency of DC/DC converter based on LabVIEW
Abstract:Because the range of DC/DC conversion technology used in people's lives is becoming wider and wider, the performance requirements for such converters are becoming higher and higher. Today, most of the performance testing of DC/DC converters relies on manual inspection. The detection process is very complicated and the accuracy is very poor. Combining the advantages and disadvantages of various measurement techniques, in this paper, we design and implement a LabVIEW-based DC/DC converter efficiency automatic test system for measuring the power efficiency of a general DC/DC converter. Design and complete the DC/DC converter input and output two-way voltage and current measurement circuit, through the analog-to-digital conversion circuit through the STM32F103 series microprocessor real-time acquisition and processing, the user can control the user interface selection mode by pressing the button, you can The LCD screen displays the two voltages or current values of the input and output that the user wants in real time, and then transmits the voltage and current value data of the two channels to the PC through the serial port, and uses the LabVIEW software tool to calculate and integrate the measurement data to obtain DC- The power efficiency of the DC converter is shown in the LabVIEW interface.
Key words:DC/DC converter; LabVIEW; efficiency; ATE
摘要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1本文的研究意义 1
1.2国内外开发概况 1
1.3本文的设计任务 2
1.4本文的组织结构 2
2DC/DC转换器自动测试系统关键理论分析 3
2.1 DC/DC转换器概述 3
2.2 DC/DC转换器的分类 4
2.2.1 Non-Isolated式DC/DC转换器(非绝缘型) 4
2.2.2 Isolated式DC/DC转换器(绝缘型) 5
2.3 DC/DC转换器的效率 5
2.4 DC/DC转换器自动测试可行性 5
2.4.1虚拟仪器概述 6
2.4.2自动测试系统 6
3自动测试系统硬件设计 7
3.1自动测试系统设计方案 7
3.2电源管理模块设计 8
3.3滤波调理模块设计 8
3.4转换模块设计 9
3.5按键控制模块设计 9
3.6模数转换模块设计 10
3.7主控单元芯片 10
3.8通信模块设计 11
3.9显示模块设计 12
3.10印刷电路板布局和布线设计 12
4自动测试系统软件设计 14
4.1数据采集软件设计 14
4.2显示模块软件设计 15
4.3串口通信软件设计 15
4.4按键操作软件设计 16
4.5程序下载软件设计 16
5 LabVIEW的开发和设计 17
5.1 LabVIEW的介绍 17
5.2 LabVIEW的开发环境 18
5.3 LabVIEW上位机开发 19
5.3.1 LabVIEW开发流程 19
5.3.2 STM32数据处理 20
5.3.3 LabVIEW前面板 20
6系统测试 21
6.1系统的硬件测试 21
6.2系统的软件测试 23
6.3不同电压下的测试数据比较 23
7总结和展望 25
7.1论文的工作总结 25
7.2未来研究工作展望 25
参考文献 25
致谢 28