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This graduation design is intended to make household lampblack machine not only has the basic function, but also intelligent alarm and take measures to deal with the use of sensors to the kitchen cooking fumes in the process of high temperature gas low temperature characteristics. Thermal resistance is used to detect high temperature, more polluted smoke, and gas sensors are used to detect the lower risk of liquefied gas. When the combustible gas and smoke in the kitchen reach a certain concentration value, the 51 single chip microcomputer senses the conditions of various sensors so that the fan motor control circuit can start and alarm automatically, and the range hood absorbs the soot. Combustible gas bibased lampblack machine main detection module, smoke detection module, temperature alarm module, timing module, display module, keyboard module and execution circuit module is designed with performance analysis software modules including the control of the main program, interrupt subroutine button, display subroutine, interrupt alarm procedures, so as to realize the automatic control alarm function of lampblack machine.
Smoke lampblack machine through 51 SCM control the design of lampblack machine in general, through the software program to automatically control the detection of lampblack machine, alarm and processing functions, which has low power consumption, simple and cheap operation.
Key words: Intelligent Range Hood, Automatic Detection, Automatic Alarm, 51 SCM


摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    1
第1章 绪论    3
1.1 研究课题的背景    3
1.2 抽油烟机的危害    6
1.3 研究课题的意义    7
1.4 课题研究的内容    7
1.5 本章小结    8
第2章 智能抽油烟机系统总体设计方案    9
2.1 设计方案的提出与分析    9
2.1.1 方案一    9
2.1.2 方案二    9
2.2 智能抽油烟机设计方案的选择    9
2.3 本章小结    10
第3章 智能抽油烟机系统硬件电路设计    11
3.1 单片机最小模块    11
3.2 温度检测电路设计    11
3.2.1 DS18B20温度传感器    11
3.2.2温度检测电路原理    12
3.3煤气检测电路设计    12
3.3.1 MQ-2气体传感器    12
3.3.2 煤气检测电路原理    13
3.4光线检测电路设计    14
3.4.1光敏电阻介绍    14
3.4.2光线检测电路原理    15
3.5蜂鸣器报警电路设计    16
3.6 风扇、USB灯等负载电路设计    16
3.7 本章小结    17
第4章 智能抽油烟机系统软件算法设计    18
4.1 主模块算法设计    18
4.2温度检测模块流程图设计    19
4.3键盘模块流程图设计    20
4.4 液晶显示模块流程图设计    21
4.5本章小结    21
第5章 智能抽油烟机系统调试与分析    22
5.1 硬件调试    22
5.1.1预设温度值模块调试    22
5.1.2定时模块调试    23
5.2 软件调试    24
第6章 结论    25
附录1智能抽油烟机电控板设计实物图    27
致 谢    28
