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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27969 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27969
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    智能小车可以在感知方面模拟人的行为, 它是智能技术的一个试验场所。智能小车具有识别、判断、处理等能力。可以在恶劣的环境中探测、救援等。本设计正是基于智能小车的自动控制进行的研究。
关键词: L298N控制电动机 光电检测 动态显示

      Smart car simulates human behavior in terms of perception , it is a testing ground for artificial intelligence technology. Smart car has intelligent mechanisms to identify, judge, handling, etc. It can be perceived and intelligence combined work under certain conditions, the detection Smart car broad application prospects in harsh environments, rescue, transport. This design is based on the Intelligent car automatic control system.
     The design consists of six modules, which are single-chip modules, the black line detection module, L298N motor drive module, the speed module, display module and power module.The design uses the unipole slab machine named STC89C52 as the core to control the small autocar which can go back and forth automatically. And it is combined with the control-chip L298N to control the autocar’s precession, countermarch, acceleration and deceleration. It uses the integrated and infrared emission-and-receiver device to detect black lines on the pavement. It carries out comprehensive judgment and processing of input signal through the MCU STC89C52, and shows the times of detected black lines, travel time and travel distance in the form of a dynamic display made by the 1602 LED display. Travel distance is detected by a photoelectric encoder. This thesis focuses on the principle analysis and design of hardware circuit, the design and debugging of software and some other aspects of the design process of the small autocar. Finally, this thesis introduces the problems occurred during the process of designing the small autocar and the summary.
Keywords: Control motor L298N  Photoelectric detection  Dynamic display


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
目  录    III
第一章 绪论    1
1.1背景    1
1.2设计目标    1
1.3论文结构    2
第二章 硬件电路设计    3
2.1系统功能    3
2.2系统原理    3
2.3处理模块    4
2.4电源模块    6
2.5黑线检测模块    6
2.6L298N电机驱动模块    7
2.7测速模块    8
2.8显示模块    8
2.9本章小结    9
第三章 程序设计    10
3.1程序的总体设计    10
3.2 PWM调速程序的设计    12
3.3电机控制程序的设计    13
3.4测距程序的设计    14
3.5显示部分程序的设计    15
3.6本章小结    15
第四章 系统测试与结果    16
4.1小车整体电路图    16
4.2小车的硬件调试    16
4.3小车的测试    23
4.4调试中遇到的困难    25
第五章 总结    26
参考文献    27
