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关键词: 传感器  单片机  瓦斯浓度

Gas concentration SCM system based on single chip
Methane is a highly toxic and flammable gas, stored in the coal seam and the huge stockpile, when people coal mining safety hazards exist, also pay attention to the family life in the kitchen with the safe use of gas, so the detection of gas concentration is very important.
The design of the system hard ware block diagram is constructed, choosing the right SCM module, display module, alarm module, the key modules and power supply modules. Software part is realized by programming, the program uses a modular design.The program uses a modular design, each subprogram is relatively independent function, easy to debug and modify. By gas sensor to collect the data of gas concentration in the air, then the data is converted to analog signal to the SCM processing, then convert analog signals into digital signals displayed on the LCD screen, if the value exceeds the alarm buzzer will alarm .Specific alarm values can be set in more specific circumstances. Finally, the last test and operation results showed that, the design of gas concentration monitoring system meets the design requirements in this paper.
Key Words: sensors; SCM; Gas concentration


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 瓦斯浓度测试技术的发展状况    1
1.3 气敏传感器的简介    2
1.4 本论文的设计任务    2
1.5 全文结构    2
第二章 硬件电路设计    3
2.1硬件系统设计    3
2.2系统硬件框图    3
2.3 硬件电路设计    4
2.3.1检测电路的设计    4
2.3.2单片机控制处理电路设计    6
2.3.3显示电路设计    8
2.3.4 报警电路设计    10
2.3.5 按键电路设计    11
2.3.6供电电路设计    11
2.3.7功能扩展    12
第三章 软件系统设计    15
3.1程序设计的语言选择    15
3.2主程序流程图    16
3.3传感器气体浓度采集    17
3.4显示器程序    20
3.5报警程序设计    21
第四章 硬件系统的运行效果展示    23
4.1硬件的测试与运行效果    23
4.2遇到的问题及解决方案    24
第五章 设计总结    25
参考文献    26
致谢    27
附录    28
