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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27989 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27989
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关键词:驾照灯光模拟考试  单片机  液晶显示屏  按键控制  上位机

Test system of driving light simulation based on Singlechip
This paper mainly introduces the driver's license light simulation test based on scm. First of all, through demonstration, the main control is chosen as STC89C52, and the display mode is chosen as LCD display (LCD12864), and then the hardware and software of this design are explained respectively. The hardware part includes STC89C52 microcomputer system, LCD12864 LCD display interface circuit, LED lights analog circuit, button control circuit and power supply circuit module; the software using C language and C# language programming, and the various modules of the hardware and software programming on the machine operation interface software programming analysis. Finally, the design of the debugging and demonstration. This design has finally realized the driving license, the light examination process simulation, the light simulation as well as with the host computer serial port communication function.
Key words: driver's license, light simulation test, MCU, LCD display, button control, PC


摘要    2
Abstract    3
第一章    绪论    6
1.1研究背景和意义    6
1.2研究现状    6
1.3论文主要内容    7
第二章 系统总体方案设计    7
2.1 总体方案    7
2.2核心主控件的选择    8
2.3显示器的选择    9
第三章 系统硬件电路设计    10
3.1 硬件总体设计    10
3.2 单片机最小系统    10
3.3显示模块    13
3.3.1 LCD液晶显示屏部分    13
3.3.2 灯光模拟部分    16
3.4按键控制模块    17
3.5供电模块    18
3.6I/0资源的分配    19
3.7总体原理图:    20
第四章 系统软件设计    20
4.1概述    20
4.2软件编程整体设计方案    21
4.3下位机整体程序设计    21
4.4下位机各模块子程序设计    22
4.4.1 显示模块    22
4.4.2答题判断模块    26
4.4.3 复位模块    27
4.3.4 定时器中断模块    28
4.3.4 串口模块    29
4.5上位机设计    32
4.5.1 串口通信模块    32
4.5.2显示模块    34
第五章 系统调试    35
5.1 LCD12864显示调试    35
5.2 LED灯显示调试    36
5.3考试过程判断以及结果显示调试    36
5.4上位机调试    38
第六章  总结和心得    41
参考文献    42
致谢    42
