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摘    要

党的十六大提出全面建设文化含量较大的小康社会,大城市的文化产业呈现出支柱产业势头。国外经济发展史证明,商业经纪发达程度已经成为衡量一国商业发育程度的重要标志。我国在演出经纪人的努力下,全国每年约 50 万场的商业性演出,在上海,90%的文艺演出都归功于演出经纪人的活动。但是中国演出经纪人制度还处在一种萌芽状态,运作模式、操作方式具有浓郁的个人色彩,而且发展不平衡,江、浙、沪、京、粤是演出经纪人制度较为发达。通过规范演出合同、加强行业自律、创建经纪人评估公示制度等法律途径建立演出经纪人诚信制度,是促进演出市场正常发展的需要,也是演出市场与国际接轨的必然要求。

关键词:演出经纪人  行为  法律规制

The party's sixteen big put forward the comprehensive construction well-off society cultural content of the larger, big city culture industry has shown a momentum of pillar industry. That history of the development of foreign economic, commercial brokerage development level has become an important symbol to measure a country commercial development degree. Our country in the performance broker efforts, each year about 500000 commercial performances, in Shanghai, 90% performances are attributed to the performance broker's activities. But China performance broker system is still in an embryonic state, operation mode, operation mode with strong individual color, but development is not balanced, Jiang, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong is performance broker system of more developed. Through the standard performance contract, strengthen self-discipline, create broker valuation system of legal way to establish the good faith system of performance broker, is to promote the need to show the normal development of the market, is also the inevitable requirement of market performance in line with international standards.

Key words: performance broker; behavior; legal regulation 

目    录

引言    1
一、演出经纪人行为范围    1
(一)演出组织者行为与演出经纪人行为    1
(二)单纯演出经纪活动与演出经营活动    1
(三)经纪人行为和经理人行为    1
二、演出经纪人行为主体资格    2
(一)演出经纪人活动规范、有序,是演出市场发达的一个重要标志    2
(二)演出经纪人必须取得资格    2
三、监管演出经纪人行为过程    3
(一)严格审查演出经纪人承办或举办的项目    3
(二)加强合同管理    3
(三)检查演出经纪人在经纪活动中自律情况    3
(四)查处演出经纪人不当行为    3
四、建立演出经纪人诚信制度    3
(一)建立演出经纪人行业自律制度    4
(二)建立演出经纪人评估、公示制度    4
(三)演出经纪人诚信公示制度    5
(四)建立相关文化产品的分类、分级、准入机制    5
结论    6
参考文献    7
