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With the progress of social productivity and the mass culture level, the people to the requirement of daily cultural entertainment activities also in unceasing increase. The cultural and recreational activities of the masses in constant innovation and development, in the field of dance art, the preferences of the masses is from single to diversification, this requires not only to implement action choreographer elegant and graceful, but also be easy to understand, meet the demands of today's mass cultural dance art, adapt to and enrich the masses culture in today's world. Choreographer as the core work of dance works, in popular culture for dance art requires constantly improve today, as the dance workers should pay more attention to the effect of choreographer in public art. In this article, through analysis of the summary, choreographer law was applied to the masses culture and art activities, so as to give full play to the choreographer in public art major role, enrich the cultural life of the masses.
Key words: the dance; Choreographer. Mass culture; Public art
摘要 i
Abstract ii
前言 1
一、舞蹈编导要做到合理选题 2
(一)舞蹈技术技巧要适合群众 2
(二)舞蹈素材要结合时事 3
1.抗震救灾素材的运用 3
2.歌颂素材的运用(主要是歌颂祖国歌颂党) 3
二、舞蹈编导要选择合适的道具 4
(一)布景烘托舞蹈表演的意境 4
(二)道具增强舞蹈表演的色彩 4
三、舞蹈编导要进行编排构思 5
(一)选择适合主题的音乐 5
(二)对群众文化素材进行构思 6
(三)即兴舞蹈增强群众舞蹈互动 6
结语 6
参考文献 8 |