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The rapid development of socialist market economy to expand a broad space for the internal audit work of administrative institutions in China, but also for the internal audit work put forward higher requirements. Internal audit is an important content of the internal control of administrative institutions, under the socialist market economy of the content is not limited to supervise the authenticity and legality of the financial balance, but also extended to whether the effective operation of internal control supervision of administrative institutions, and to promote the effective control of the unit, build a good control environment loyal consultant. However, there are some problems of internal audit work in the current administrative units, seriously hindered the internal audit function, we need to attach great importance to find out the countermeasures.
This paper mainly describes the present situation of the administrative institutions of the internal audit work and the existing problems, and then according to these problems, puts forward corresponding countermeasures, to play an effective internal audit in administrative institutions in the role, has the very strong construction, guidance and specific.
keyword: The administrative institutions; internal audit; problems; measures

目    录
中文摘要    I
一、引言    1
二、行政事业单位内部审计的相关理论概述    2
(一)行政事业单位内部审计的概念                               2
(二)行政事业单位内部审计的职责及目标                         2
三、行政事业单位内部审计工作的现状与问题    3
(一)法制法规不健全                                           3
(二)没有独立履行职责的行政事业单位内部审计机构               3
(三)对行政事业单位内部审计的认识不够                         3
(四)审计结论没有权威性,审计意见和建议很难得到执行           4
(五)内部审计的范围受到限制                                   4
四、改进行政事业单位内部审计工作的对策    5
(一)建立健全规章制度,按章开展审计                           5
(二)保证内部审计部门的独立性和客观性                         5
(三)建立健全行政事业单位内审机构                             5
(四)实现审计现代化,推行计算机辅助审计技术                    6
(五)实施内部审计的风险防范                                   6
结 语    7
致 谢    8
参考文献    9
