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摘  要

With the continuous development of modern economy, competition among enterprises is becoming more and more intense. In order to occupy a place in the fierce market competition,the cost saving is one of the important means, and the tax revenue, as an important cost expenditure, is an important factor affecting the cost. At this point, the enterprise through reasonable tax planning, in order to achieve the minimum tax burden, reduce costs, increase profits and enhance the competitiveness of the market. Tax planning is a basic right given to enterprises by the state. It can help enterprises to maximize the benefits after tax. It is one of the strategic measures to enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises at present. Therefore, tax planning is widely concerned by enterprises. This paper first analyzes the main points and methods of enterprise income tax planning, and provides guidance and theoretical basis for enterprise tax planning, and hopes to help enterprises to save tax and achieve greater benefits.
Key words: enterprise income tax and tax planning

目 录
1.绪论    5
1.1本文研究的理论意义与实用价值    5
1.2国内外研究状况    6
1.2.1国外研究状况    6
1.2.2国内研究状况    7
1.3论文研究的主要内容与拟解决的问题    8
1.3.1论文研究的主要内容    8
1.3.2研究技术路线    9
2.企业纳税筹划的原则和必要性    10
2.1企业所得税纳税筹划的原则    10
2.1.1合法性原则    10
3.1.2事先筹划性原则    10
3.1.3效益最大化原则    11
3.1.4针对性原则    11
2.2企业所得税纳税筹划的必要性    11
2.2.1对纳税人而言    11
2.2.2对国家而言    12
2.2.3对企业参加国际竞争而言    12
3.企业所得税的重要规定    13
3.1.1纳税义务人定义    13
3.2关于征收对象的重要规定    14
3.2.1征税对象的分类    14
3.3关于税率的重要规定    14
3.4关于应纳税所得额的重要规定    14
4.企业所得税纳税筹划的要点与方法    17
4.1企业所得税纳税筹划的要点    17
4.1.2选择合适的投资地区    17
4.1.2选择合适的产业    17
4.1.3选择存货发出计价方法    18
4.1.4选择就业人员    18
4.2企业所得税纳税筹划的方法    19
4.2.1纳税人组织形式的筹划    19
4.2.2充分利用资本结构进行纳税筹划    19
4.2.3选择合适的资产租赁方式进行筹划    20
4.2.4合理利用收入进行纳税筹划    20
4.2.5合理利用成本费用进行筹划    20
4.2.6合理利用税前扣除项目进行筹划    21
4.2.7利用税前利润弥补以前年度亏损    23
4.2.8利用优惠政策对所得税进行筹划    23
6.结论    24
参考文献    25
致谢    26
