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The distortion of accounting information will have an impact on the operation and development of the whole enterprise. So, with the close attention to the information environment and the development and progress of the social science economy in our country under the present social environment, Accounting information is a relevant factor that must ensure authenticity. Accounting in small and medium-sized enterprises is an important link that needs to have appropriate performance strength and corresponding perfect strategy. Therefore, managers should reasonably analyze and investigate the performance of accounting, and combine the policy of combining the birth of practical problems with sustainable development, so that the information office within the enterprise can be changed reasonably and properly in the light of the policy of combining the birth of practical problems with the sustainable development. The question of reason. An in-depth investigation on the causes of the distortion of the whole accounting information can lead to a preliminary improvement in the operation and operation of the enterprise at the end of the paper. And the serious problem of information distortion should be paid more attention to by enterprises and managers in order to optimize and deal with the economic content crisis of the whole industry more effectively in the future work. This paper is precisely to carry on the accounting information work under some relevant real cases and the corresponding solution mechanism to carry on the relevant discussion as well as the reasonable solution scheme and the measure.

Key words: accounting information; distortion reasons; coping strategies

目  录
一、绪论    1
(一)研究目的及背景    1
(二)研究意义    1
二、会计信息失真的现状及危害    2
(一) 会计信息失真的现状    2
(二) 会计信息失真的危害    3
三、会计信息失真的原因及解决办法    3
(一)信息失真的原因    3
1相关制度的不完善    3
2企业内部管理失控    4
(二)信息失真的办法    5
1完善相关体系制度    5
2对企业内部加强管理    6
四、会计信息失真的案例分析    6
(一)“美国”安然造假事件    6
(二)“帕玛拉特”造假丑闻    7
(三)“银广厦”“万福生科”造假事件    8
结论    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
